Friday, January 4, 2008

Episode 57

The brothers of Iota Phi Theta have met and made a decision regarding DR. COLIN MWATSUMI. They are now informing SEAN.

SAIFA - As you know, the intake process was wearing heavily on our friend Dr. Mwatsumi.

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother The Man With the Hoof!

SAIFA - We didn't anticipate that happening, based on his strong desire for membership. But nonetheless, things happen.

SAM - Yeah, unfortunately.

SAIFA - We spoke to the doctor on the phone as well as in person. All of us have. And there is no way for him to continue as the process was going.

(SEAN is trying to fight back tears.)

SAIFA - He wishes you well, Sean. He knows that you can do it, and he is very happy for your progress so far.

CENTAUR SEAN - May I speak big brother?

SAIFA - Sure, Sean. What's on your mind?

(SEAN pauses before he speaks.)

CENTAUR SEAN - I understand that Dr. Mwatsumi is older. But, like you mentioned, his desire for Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc., is strong. It's the strongest desire I've ever seen for almost anything. I don't see him giving up or quitting. I see this as a minor set back for him.

(SEAN turns to face the other brothers.)

CENTAUR SEAN - More than just a line brother, the doctor is like a father to me. He has been there for me from way before this process ever started. He has had my back through issues with my own father, and has been more of a father to me in the last two years than my real father has all my life.

(SEAN chokes up but continues.)

CENTAUR SEAN - I was going out for a fraternity for all the wrong reasons before I met Dr. Mwatsumi. I was pursuing every fraternity on Ahpla's campus.
But, when I sat down with him, he began to talk to me and help me to see what this thing is all about. And I realized that it's not about me. It's about the community, and who I can help. Who we all can help. And I think right now we need to help him. My line brother. Our brother.

PATRICK - Sean, what you are saying is very noble. And technically, as his line brother, you are supposed to feel that way and say those things. But, you don't understand what we are trying to tell you. Dr. Mwatsumi is not coming in this way. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. You will enter Iota Phi Theta alone.

SAM - And we realize that this is a hard pill for you to swallow. It isn't easy for us either. But, this is how it has to be.

(SEAN looks as if he wants to cry.)

SAIFA - Sean, we all understand how you feel. But this way is the best way for us all. And, it especially is the best for Dr. Mwatsumi. If you know him at all and understand him, you'll know what I'm saying. And you know that I know the doctor very well.

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother The Man With the Hoof.

SAIFA - So, I know what I am talking about. You understand, Sean?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother The Man With the Hoof.

SAIFA - Are you sure?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother The Man With the Hoof.

SAIFA - Okay because we are going to dead this issue and not revisit it. We have a lot of work to do yet with you.

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother The Man With the Hoof.

SAIFA - Good. Richard?

RICHARD - Thanks, man.

(RICHARD turns to speak to CENTAUR SEAN.)

RICHARD - Centaur.

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Now that you are pledging alone Centaur, you will have a lot of duties to handle by yourself. The amount of work is the same, so don't think that you can rest now that the doctor is gone. Is that understood?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Good. Now, as you know, I am in charge of all of your projects. Normally, I would split some up between the two pledgees. But from now on you get it all. You get what the doctor did, plus what you are doing already. Feel me?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Good. It's gonna feel like you have more work and less time. But, that's good. That will help you to grow into being a good, useful, hard-working brother within Iota. Understand?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Good. I see that you completed the Medgar Evers assignment. That is good. Phase two of your training will dig deeper into the Civil Rights era and really get into the minds and thoughts of some of its heroes.

(RICHARD hands CENTAUR SEAN a paper.)

RICHARD - Read what it is that you have to do.

(SEAN begins to read it.)

RICHARD - I want you to understand and really begin to feel the environment in which Iota came. Understand?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King. I think so.

RICHARD - You need to know so.

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - The information that you will need for ?Iota Phase Two? won't be found in the library on campus. You may have to go to a bookstore. A Black book store at that.

CENTAUR SEAN - Okay, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Now, here's the deal. You have your line brick right?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Good. And Dr. Mwatsumi told us that you have his as well.


RICHARD - Well? Do you?

CENTAUR SEAN - Yes, Big Brother Centaur King.

RICHARD - Hand it over.

(CENTAUR SEAN pauses as he reaches for his bag.)

RICHARD - Now! Hurry up!

(CENTAUR SEAN quickly grabs it and hands it to Big Brother Centaur King.)

RICHARD - Okay, now get to this assignment. You have one hour.

CENTAUR SEAN thinks - One hour!

(CENTAUR SEAN grabs his bag and dashes out the door. He looks at his watch.)

CENTAUR SEAN thinks - There's no way I can get this done in an hour. But, that's good because I know Dr. Mwatsumi is having his class briefs right now. He never misses that! Even when he was on line with me, he wouldn't miss that. If I see him there, I can talk to him. Get him to come back and finish! I will do all his work for him; he just has to cross into Iota with me! I'll deal with the consequences of being late to the brothers later.

(SEAN hurries to the building where DR. MWATSUMI's classroom is located.)

CENTAUR SEAN thinks - I know he's here. He's so anal about these briefs. He never misses this!

(SEAN runs upstairs.)

CENTAUR SEAN thinks - Hey...his room looks...

(SEAN quickly runs to DR. MWATSUMI's class.)

CENTAUR SEAN - ...dark! He isn't here!
:: NEW PAGE ::


After performing with his new fraternity brothers on campus, MIRI tells GINA that he wants to take a semester off.

GINA - You're going to...Egypt?

MIRI - Well actually...

(MIRI smiles.)

MIRI - ...I was hoping that...we...would be going to Egypt. I want you to go with me!

GINA - What?

MIRI - I know this is a lot, but I was hoping that...

GINA - A lot? A lot? Miri, you want me to leave school and go to Africa with you?

MIRI - Well, I was just thinking that...


MIRI - Gina, Africa is more than just a place. It's an experience. It's me going home. It's me reconnecting. I don't want to do that alone. I want...I need to do that with you.

GINA - But, how in the world do you expect for me to...I mean, Miri...

(GINA looks away and puts her hand over her mouth.)

MIRI - Look, you don't have to give me an answer now.

GINA - Why not? I can.

MIRI - You can?

GINA - Of course, I can. There is no way in the world I can up and go to Egypt. Are you out of your mind?

MIRI - Why don't you just think about it?

GINA - Miri, I could see if you were asking for a weekend getaway. Or to take a cruise to the Bahamas or something. But Egypt?

MIRI - Gina think about it. It's the cradle of civilization. The motherland of all races. It?s the birthplace or our people! We would be able to see the famous place that our ancestors built, the pyramids, the Great Library, the Sphinx.

GINA - Can't we just look at pictures?

(MIRI laughs.)

GINA - What about your frat brothers? You just crossed. Won't you miss them?

MIRI - Sure, I will. But that's what prompted this for me in the first place.

GINA - How?

MIRI - Pledging Phi Beta Sigma helped me connect to a person within me that I didn't even know. I never respected Black Greek-letter organizations. Let alone wanted to be a part of one. Going through the process opened my eyes to a whole new world. I was able to embrace a Miri Bakhan that I didn't even know.

GINA - So, what's that got to do with Africa and going over there?

MIRI - It has all to do with it. Once I started to learn about myself on line, I realized that there was something missing. And as we were taught our fraternity history as Crescents, we were also taught African history. It isn't like I never heard that stuff before, but hearing it as a Crescent is very different than reading it in an encyclopedia or seeing it in "National Geographic." I have a whole new appreciation for our ancestry.


MIRI - And as far as me leaving my line brothers or my chapter brothers, didn't you do the same thing when you transferred to Ahpla?

(GINA is silent.)

MIRI - Look...

(MIRI takes both GINA's hands.)

MIRI - I said, you don't have to answer right now. As a matter of fact, I would prefer that you not. Take a week to think about it. Really. I know I'm asking a lot. But, you mean a lot to me.

(GINA smiles but still shows concern.)

GINA - What have your brothers said about this?

MIRI - I haven't told anyone, yet.

GINA - I'm the first person you've told?

MIRI - Yep.

(MIRI silences GINA again.)

GINA - Miri I...

MIRI - I love you, Gina.

(GINA reaches to hug MIRI and he hugs her back. As they hold one another, she starts to cry.)

GINA crying - Miri, I love you, too. This is so hard for me.

MIRI - I don't mean to make anything difficult. I only want to be with you and make you happy.

(GINA wipes her eyes.)

MIRI - I know this is hard. A transition like this is really hard.

GINA - Miri, that isn't the hard part that I'm talking about.

MIRI - Oh, well what do you mean?

(GINA exhales and wipes her eyes again.)

GINA - It's hard feeling the way that I feel. Because I don't feel that I can go on this journey with you.
:: NEW PAGE ::


The brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi are meeting with their Provincial Polemarch DELL over allegations of MIKE participating in illegal pledging activities. DELL is looking for answers and the chapter brothers are being evasive.

DELL - I apologize for being a little late for this meeting, brothers. But, Clarence and I were interviewing some Ahpla University students about what they may have seen in regard to anyone pledging Kappa Alpha Psi this semester.

(GREGG and XAVIER glance at one another in disbelief.)

DELL - I have their statements right here, so let me read a few of them for you. Let's see...let me start with this one from...uh...

(DELL looks through his glasses to the page that he has on top.)

DELL - ...from uh...a guy named Quinton, who had a lot to say about neophyte Mike.

MIKE thinks - Oh shoot!

(MIKE jumps up.)

MIKE - Quinton! You can't trust a thing he says!

(DELL quickly turns toward MIKE and grabs his pen.)

DELL - And, why not?

(DELL is ready to write whatever MIKE says. MIKE realizes that DELL is looking for a response and slowly sits down.)

MIKE - Nothing. Nevermind.

DELL - Okay. As I was saying, let's start with this statement from Quinton.

(DELL picks up QUINTON's response form and begins.)

DELL - Quinton stated that he lives in the same dorm as Mike. And on numerous occasions he would see Mike coming in very late dressed in a red hoody, boots and jeans. He stated that Mike always looked tired. He said that for at least six weeks, Mike's attire never changed -- always the red hoody; always the boots.

GREGG - That's no proof!

MIKE - Yeah! I could've been doing laundry and didn't have much to wear! And I always dress like that during exams.

DELL - I'm not finished.

(DELL continues.)

DELL - He states that on one occasion he witnessed Mike in a study room in the library reciting greetings.

MIKE thinks - What? I never did that!

DELL - You were going over them to yourself in an attempt to possibly memorize them. He claims to have seen you falling asleep in the library as well, as you were reading Kappa Alpha Psi information.

MIKE thinks - He is lying! I never went to the library!

DELL - Quinton told me that he spoke to you in an elevator once.

MIKE thinks - Oh shoot!

DELL - And in that conversation, you introduced yourself and asked him for money because you had to buy food for your big brothers.

MIKE - What! That never happened!

(DELL turns to MIKE.)

DELL - Well, do you remember speaking to someone named Quinton in an elevator?

MIKE - Yeah but, I didn't ask him for money!

DELL - What did you speak to him about?

(DELL grabs his pen.)

MIKE - Um...

(Everyone is looking at MIKE.)

MIKE - ...I don't remember. But, I know I didn't ask him for no money!

DELL - Uh, huh.

GREGG - Dell, did Quinton also tell you that he's an Alpha and may be bad-mouthing us just for the hell of it?

DELL - Yes, he did tell me that he's an Alpha. But, what reason would he have to lie? But nonetheless, let's move on to someone else then.

(DELL turns the page.)

DELL - The next student that I spoke with was a girl by the name of...

(DELL looks over his glasses.)

DELL - ...Donna.

XAVIER thinks - Donna!

MIKE thinks - Oh, God! I forgot to call her back!

DELL - Donna mentioned preparing meals, for Mike, which she knew were for the big brothers. She let Mike sleep on her floor when he was exhausted. And gave Mike a massage when he was physically...tired.

GREGG - You can't take Donna's word! She used to date Mike as well as Xavier! I know she got something against us!

DELL - Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's try this next student that I spoke to.

(DELL turns the page.)

DELL - Shareesa.

GREGG - Shareesa! Dell, that's my ex-girlfriend! She hates me now!

DELL - Are you gonna have a different excuse for every student I pull out? The fact of the matter is that I have evidence on you guys, which I never would've had if y?all hadn't broken the rules and Mike was discreet.

(DELL starts to put his papers back into his bag. He then takes off his glasses and puts them back into his inner coat pocket.)

DELL - I knew you wouldn't cooperate if I asked you straight up. So, I had to go this route. But, I know you guys know that I conduct thorough investigations.

(He and CLARENCE both stand up.)

DELL - Gregg, expect a call from Clarence regarding what the penalty is that will be enforced on the chapter. You will get that call in about a week.

(DELL turns to leave but speaks as he is leaving.)

DELL - I hope this is a lesson for you brothers. Hazing is a serious issue and will not be tolerated anywhere in Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

(CLARENCE walks out and DELL turns back toward the brothers.)

DELL - Now, you brothers have a good evening.

(DELL leaves. The remaining brothers sit in silence.)


XAVIER - What are we gonna do?

GREGG - I don't know about y?all...

(GREGG slams his fist down on the desk.)

GREGG - ...but the first thing I'm gonna do is go and talk to some Alphas!

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