Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Episode 12

The Sigmas have realized that they made a mistake in trusting MONA and kicking MIRI off line.

CURT - Hayden, we may have made a mistake.
HAYDEN - Yeah, I see. But we can make this work in our favor. I have an idea.
CURT - Oh yeah? What you got in mind?
HAYDEN - Check this out. Hey Jeff, come here.

(JEFF comes over.)

JEFF - What's up?
HAYDEN - What is the last thing you told Miri?
JEFF - Well I took the other guy, uh Calvin. I took Calvin out there so they could talk and settle their differences.
HAYDEN - Okay, so he thinks he is off line because of his feelings toward Calvin?
JEFF - Yep.
HAYDEN - Good. Can you bring them both back in?
JEFF - Sure frat.

(JEFF leaves.)

CURT - What you gonna do?
HAYDEN - We can press the issue with Miri not liking Calvin. Make him feel real sorry for that. Then make him do a poem.
CURT - A poem?
HAYDEN - Yeah. Miri is a spoken word poet. We can make him make it up on the spot. You know how I dig poetry.
CURT - Sounds like a plan. Let's see how good he is. And I'm gonna add a twist to your idea. Ha ha.
HAYDEN - Do your thing.
CURT - Little brothers, come here.

(The line hurries over.)

CURT - Little brothers, let me teach you guys a lesson.

(The line is listening.)

CURT - This fraternity is about brotherhood first. First and foremost, we are all brothers. We don't have room for individuals who don't understand or see that concept. Is that understood?
CRESCENTS - Yes, dean of pledgees!
CURT - Therefore, any person...any individual...that we feel doesn't show brotherhood toward his fellow banned and condemned until a jury of his peers proves him worthy.

(JEFF comes in with MIRI and CALVIN. MIRI is looking petrified.)

CURT - Everybody listen up! Little brother Miri has been accused of showing signs of non-brotherhood.
TROY - No! Crucify him!

(CURT holds up his hands to quiet everyone.)

CURT - He will have an opportunity to rhyme for himself...
MIRI thinks - Rhyme?
CURT - In front of a jury of his...big brothers and sisters...with
appropriate legal counsel. Crescent Calvin?
CRESCENT CALVIN - Yes, dean of pledgees!
CURT - You are going to represent Miri. Your task is to defend him and
convince your big brothers, big sisters and myself that we should keep Miri on line.

Meanwhile, on line...

(TY steps from in front of the television.)

TRINA - Good boy. Now that I have your undivided attention, there is another favor that you can do for me. You know that Alpha Bobby right?

(TY nods.)

TRINA - Good. Well we had a little...falling out. So I want you to help me kinda get back at him. You don't like Alphas do you?
TY - Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
TRINA - Whoa...heel. Hee hee. Okay, here is the deal...

(TRINA reaches into her purse.)

TRINA - Here is a key to his apartment. The idiot never asked for it back. And here is his address.

(TRINA hands TY a small piece of paper.)

TRINA - This is what I want you to do...

(It sounds like the big brothers are coming back into the room, so TRINA quickly whispers instructions into TY's ear.)

TRINA - Got that?

(TY nods and hides a small smile.)

(DR. MWATSUMI hides a small smile.)

SEAN - Dr. Mwatsumi? What are you doing here?
DR. MWATSUMI - Good evening Sean. How are you?

(SEAN sits down next to him.)

SEAN - I am fine sir, just a little confused.
DR. MWATSUMI - What confuses you? You think only young men are interested in fraternities?

(The Iotas come into the room and close the door. They are starting right on time like clockwork. A brother approaches the front of the room and begins to speak.)

DARRIN - Good evening and thank you for coming out. We the brothers of Iota Phi Theta wish to welcome you to our interest meeting, here at Ahpla University. My name is Darrin and I am a brother from Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. It is my pleasure to be here and to acknowledge the desire for the expansion of my fraternity to yet another campus.

(Everyone in the room claps. SEAN is smiling.)

DARRIN - Tonight you will learn some of the history of the Iota Phi Theta fraternity as well as get a chance to speak close and personal to a few of the brothers assembled here. This is an opportune time for you interested gentlemen to ask questions and find out all you can about this organization.
SEAN thinks - Great!
DARRIN - First, we are going to ask Brother Saifa to come up and share with us his personal testimony and a history of Iota.

(Everyone claps as SAIFA walks toward the front of the room. SEAN feels his cell phone vibrate. He checks the caller I.D.)

SEAN - Dad!

:: NEW PAGE ::


ALEX has left BREANNA's room and has gone to visit CHRISTIAN.

CHRISTIAN - Hey what's up? Come on in.
ALEX - Hey babe.

(ALEX enters and grabs CHRISTIAN to hug her. She hugs him back.)

ALEX - How you been?
CHRISTIAN - I'm cool hon, how are you?
ALEX - I've been better.

(As they let go, ALEX tries to kiss CHRISTIAN but she turns her head.)

ALEX - Oh you tease!

(CHRISTIAN just smiles as she sits at her desk. He sits in a chair beside her.)

CHRISTIAN - So how are you maintaining? A lot has happened.
ALEX - Yeah, a lot has. It has really been hard. Hard on me. I haven't seen the kids. Stace won't let me see them.
ALEX - Not at all. She is really trippin'.
CHRISTIAN - Well don't you think you gave her good reason to flip out on you like that?
ALEX - I guess.
CHRISTIAN - You guess?
ALEX - Yeah, I guess so.
CHRISTIAN - Alex, you had the girl shooting a gun at you. If I didn't help you out and let you come over that night, you would've been arrested for indecent exposure! Luckily for you I was nice enough to let you in.
ALEX - Yes, you have been a treasure Christian. Thank you.
CHRISTIAN - You're welc...

(ALEX stands and approaches CHRISTIAN as if to give her a kiss.)

CHRISTIAN - Whoa whoa, slow your roll there partner. I told you about that.
ALEX - Aw come on Christian, how long has it been now?
CHRISTIAN - Good things come to those who wait sweetie.

(CHRISTIAN smiles.)

ALEX - Ooooh, you entice me! You know you do.

(CHRISTIAN turns back to her computer screen and begins to read what she was working on.)

ALEX - What are you working on?
CHRISTIAN - A writing assignment. Not a big deal, pretty simple.

(CHRISTIAN turns back around and faces ALEX.)

CHRISTIAN - So tell me again, exactly how did this whole thing happen Alex?
ALEX - I told you, I mean, I am not in love with Stacie.
CHRISTIAN - But why didn't you go to her and tell her. Then you two could have split on amicable terms.
ALEX - Because she isn't hearing that. She just had two babies for Christ sake.
CHRISTIAN - So you decide to get up on a student in the meantime? One of your students at that? That makes a lot of sense.
ALEX - I don't want to talk about Breanna.
CHRISTIAN - Why not? Think I'll get jealous?

(ALEX smiles. CHRISTIAN seductively smiles back. She then glances back at the computer screen and turns it a little so she can read while she talks to ALEX.)

ALEX - I like your style Christian. Well, Breanna is special. When I first met her, I knew it was something special.
CHRISTIAN - What about the teacher-student thing?
ALEX - It happens. You would be surprised how much it happens on Ahpla's campus. Let alone some other schools.
CHRISTIAN - Can't you get in trouble for that?
ALEX - I could but honestly I won't. Teachers don't tell on teachers. It's a rule. Like how cops do each other.

(CHRISTIAN glances back to the computer screen. She adjusts it again as she is reading. Then turns back to ALEX.)

CHRISTIAN - Alex, I don't like to beat around the bush so let me be direct and ask you a question.
ALEX - That is what I like about you Christian, you get right to it. What's your question?
CHRISTIAN - What are your intentions with our new...friendship?


ALEX - Why don't you let me show you.

(ALEX smiles. CHRISTIAN doesn't.)

CHRISTIAN - Why don't you take it easy mister. Take a cold shower if you have to.

(ALEX laughs.)

ALEX - Naw, I'll be alright. As a matter of fact, I should be making my way out of here. I might as well stay at the hotel that I'm paying for.
CHRISTIAN - Okay then.
ALEX - Do you want to join me there? Nice big room. Nice...bed...

(ALEX laughs.)

CHRISTIAN - No, I need to finish this assignment so I will catch up with ya later.
ALEX - Okay baby.
CHRISTIAN - So I'll talk to you tomorrow then.
ALEX - Alright babe. Good luck.

(ALEX gets up and CHRISTIAN walks him to the door.)

ALEX - I'll call you after my class.
CHRISTIAN - Okay. Get some rest, you need it.
ALEX - Okay. Good night baby.
CHRISTIAN - Good night.

(CHRISTIAN closes the door and walks back to her computer smiling. She grabs her computer monitor and looks directly at the screen where she was reading.)

CHRISTIAN - Smile Alex, you're on candid camera! Ha ha ha ha ha!

:: NEW PAGE ::


XAVIER is working on strengthening MIKE.

XAVIER - Talk to that candle! Talk to it!
MIKE - I am strong! I am strong!
XAVIER - Tell it why! Why are you strong!
MIKE - I am strong because I...uh...I get over obstacles and I tackle all adversity! Yeah, I tackle adversity! And I am strong because I am a hard worker...

(XAVIER is trying hard not to laugh out loud. GREGG is listening in the other room and he has fallen on the bed laughing.)

MIKE - ...and I uh...
XAVIER - Louder! Faster!
MIKE - I...I...uh...I am strong...

(MIKE blows the candle out by mistake.)

XAVIER - Hey! Hey! Wait! Did the candle go out?


XAVIER - Oh no! I knew it! I knew it Mike, I knew you weren't ready!

(XAVIER starts to walk around the room blowing out all of the candles.)

MIKE thinks - What? What happened?

(XAVIER turns on the lights.)

XAVIER - Mike, sit down.

(MIKE sits down. He is surprised at how quickly XAVIER's demeanor has

XAVIER - Look Mike, I like you. You are a cool brother. But honestly, I don't think you are ready for what we were going to put you through.
MIKE - No, I am. I am ready.
XAVIER - Mike, you have no idea what you were going to go through, so how can you say that you are ready?
MIKE - Because whatever it is, I can do it.
XAVIER - You can't even talk to a candle without blowing it out.
MIKE - Give me another chance...please. I can do it.
XAVIER - No Mike, you don't understand. This was only a test. It isn't that deep. But if you can't pass the simple things, how in the world are you going to go through the real obstacles? When we call upon you to really dig down in your soul and earn Phi Nu Pi, how are you gonna handle it?


XAVIER - I was only testing you and making sure you were ready to humble yourself and you can learn.
MIKE - But I can do that.

(XAVIER pauses.)

XAVIER - I don't know Mike, you are kinda shaky.
MIKE - I promise! I can do this! I want to do this!
XAVIER - Alright but look, if you fall, I ain't gonna be there to pick you up. I tried to help you already and you failed me. If you fail your next test...

(MIKE is listening attentively.)

XAVIER - I don't even want to think about what will happen if you fail again, do you understand me?
MIKE - Yes! Yes!
XAVIER - So are you ready?
GREGG thinks - That's my cue!
XAVIER - Are you ready to follow us as we lead you into this most noble clan?

(GREGG walks out.)

MIKE - Yes.
XAVIER - Some words of advice. As you deal with others, look past the words in the questions that they ask. Seek and you will find. The answers are within your reach.

(XAVIER stands up and MIKE doesn't know if he should stand or remain seated. XAVIER walks right past GREGG as if GREGG isn't even standing there. GREGG enters and XAVIER exits.)

GREGG - Give me the keys to my house.
MIKE - Huh?
GREGG - Give me the keys to my house! Now!
MIKE - But...I don't have your...

(GREGG grabs MIKE and looks him straight in the eye.)

GREGG - Are you talking back to me? I said give me my keys!
MIKE thinks quickly - Look past the question...

(MIKE reaches in his pocket and grabs his own keys. He tosses them to GREGG.)

GREGG - Thank you! Why was that so difficult?

(GREGG grabs the keys.)

GREGG - This is now my house. Everything in it is mine. You are mine.

(MIKE is nervously staring up at GREGG.)

GREGG - Now follow me to my house. I may need you to help me redecorate.

(MIKE pops up and follows GREGG as he heads for the door. XAVIER listens for the sound of the door closing behind them.)



(XAVIER laughs to himself as he walks from the bedroom.)

XAVIER - That went well. I guess as well as it could. I wonder how Mike will do once they get to his place.

At MIKE's place...

(GREGG has his feet up on MIKE's desk and MIKE is rearranging his entire room when there is a knock on the door.)

GREGG - You are almost finished Mike. It is starting to look just how I like it. Go answer the door calmly. Be discreet, but get rid of whoever it is. Quickly.
MIKE - Yes Dean Big Brother Kappadonna!

(MIKE runs for the door.)

GREGG - Hey, slow down! I told you to be discreet. Think! Think!

(MIKE slows down and takes a deep breath. He opens the door.)

BRENDON - Mike! Where you been man? I've been calling you like crazy! What happened at Xavier's house?

At XAVIER'S house...

(There is a knock on the door. XAVIER saves his writing on his computer and gets up to answer the door.)

XAVIER thinks - I wonder who this is.

(XAVIER opens the door.)

XAVIER - Hey...April...and uh are y'all both wearing trench coats?

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