Thursday, January 3, 2008

Episode 47

BRENDON has just gotten back to his dorm room and is using his key to open his door.

MIKE - Yo! What's up, Greek!

(BRENDON quickly turns around and sees MIKE in his Kappa Alpha Psi jacket.)


MIKE - Oh...ha ha bad, Bren, I thought you were Brandon! Ha ha ha ha, I saw that blue sweater you have on and thought you were the newest Sigma in town!

BRENDON thinks - You ain't the only one!

BRENDON - Hey man! Congratulations! I see you in your crimson and cream!

MIKE - Oh, thanks, man! Yo! Yo!

BRENDON - Hey, come on in!

(MIKE follows BRENDON into his room.)

BRENDON - Let me take a look at ya, man!

(MIKE spins around, hits a few poses, and throws the Kappa sign.)

BRENDON - Dag man, you look great in that!

MIKE - Thanks Brendon! Let me show you some of my handy work.

(MIKE reaches back and pulls a cane out of his back pocket.)

BRENDON - Oh, you got twirlin' skills already?

MIKE - Check this.

(MIKE starts to slowly spin his cane around his fingers.)

MIKE - See; I start off slow...

(MIKE switches hands with it.)

MIKE - ...go from one hand to the next...

(MIKE starts to speed up.)

MIKE - ...make it seem like I'm gonna keep it slow and steady, but this is when I kill ?em...

BRENDON thinks - Dag!

MIKE - ...and the ladies love this move here.

(MIKE takes it behind his back quickly and pokes it from behind between his legs.)

MIKE - Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

BRENDON - Hey, that's cool, man! Good stuff.

MIKE - Thanks!

(MIKE puts his cane back into his back pocket.)

BRENDON - Dag Mike, you're good with that. Was it hard to learn?

MIKE - Yeah, it's tricky.

BRENDON - How long did it take you to learn to twirl like that?


MIKE - Are you tryin' to find out Kappa secrets?


MIKE - You tryin' to find out Nupe secrets Brendon?

BRENDON - Uh...naw; I was just...I mean, I was just askin'...

(MIKE smiles sarcastically.)

MIKE - Don't sweat it dude. Let's just say I pledged really hard. And in pledging hard, I learned how to twirl. Okay?

(MIKE starts laughing.)

BRENDON - Uh yeah. Okay.

BRENDON thinks - What the heck was that all about?

BRENDON - So um, I'm real happy for you man. For you and Brandon.

MIKE - You sure it ain't jealousy?

BRENDON - What!?

MIKE - Ha ha ha ha, I'm just playin', man! Ha ha ha ha ha.

(BRENDON doesn't laugh.)

BRENDON - I'm not jealous. I know my time is coming.

MIKE - Yeah...uh huh.

(MIKE walks into the bathroom. He calls out to BRENDON.)

MIKE - So are the Sigmas done? Have you seen Brandon at all?

BRENDON - Uh...only in passing.

MIKE - Oh okay. Man, I feel good for Brandon. Even though he made a dumb move going blue! Ha ha ha ha ha. But on the real, Bren, it really feels good to be Greek man. Really.

(BRENDON doesn't respond.)

MIKE - I'm tellin' ya, man. Like, all my dreams have come true! Remember how we used to talk about how good it would be to be Kappas? Well, it's better!

(BRENDON is silent. MIKE comes back out of the bathroom.)

MIKE - Yeah playa...ha ha! Feels good to be a Nupe! Yo...

(MIKE poses.)


(MIKE poses again.)

MIKE - ...yo!

BRENDON - Mike, if you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about this! Okay!?
:: NEW PAGE ::


JUNE and BUCK are on the basketball court. It is raining and JUNE is trying to apologize. If she wins, he has to hear her out. He has to play with one hand behind his back while reading a piece of paper she just gave him.

BUCK - Now look, once I score my 11 points, I'm going back in my place to sulk. I don't feel like talking tonight, I don't feel like hearing an apology. I'm just being honest and real with you.

JUNE - And after I score my 11 points, I am going to your apartment and tell you what is on my heart and mind. I am being honest and real with you because Buck...

BUCK - Yeah?

JUNE - It's game time, baby!

(JUNE takes a jump shot that miraculously goes in.)

JUNE - One zip.

BUCK - Fine. One to nothing. Let's play.

(BUCK grabs the ball and tosses it back to JUNE.)

JUNE - Don't forget, one hand behind your back. And read. Read out loud.

BUCK - Fine.

(BUCK puts his left hand behind his back because he is right-handed. He holds the papers in his right hand and starts to read while playing defense on JUNE.)

BUCK reads - Buck, I cannot say I am sorry enough. I never thought I would care for anyone else. Especially as deeply as I care about...

(JUNE dribbles past BUCK as he is looking down at the paper. He tries to catch up but she shoots the ball.)

JUNE - Dag!

(JUNE misses and BUCK grabs it with his right hand. He is dribbling while holding JUNE's letter. JUNE runs to defend him but before she can he dunks it.)

BUCK - One to one. Let's go!

JUNE thinks - Dag!

JUNE - Keep readin'!

(BUCK brings the ball back and starts to read again.)

BUCK reads - Especially as deeply as I care about you. I was very skeptic as to date you because...

(BUCK takes a jump shot with one hand that goes in.)

BUCK - Two points. Uh...where was I? Oh...because of my prior relationship with Derrick. But best believe that the decision to date you was...

(BUCK stops reading and looks at JUNE. He then looks back at the paper.)

BUCK reads - ...the best decision I ever made.

(BUCK pauses. He thinks about what he just read; then he grabs the ball.)

BUCK - D-up.

JUNE - I'm ready!

(BUCK dribbles the ball between JUNE's legs, then runs past her and lays it in.)

BUCK - Three.

JUNE thinks - Dag! Dag!

BUCK reads - I care about you and care for you so much, Buck.

(JUNE grabs the ball from BUCK and tries to run and shoot it. He blocks her shot, grabs the ball and throws it in.)

BUCK - Nice try, Hot shot. Four to one.

(It has started to rain harder but they continue to play. BUCK continues to read. BUCK continues to make shots.)

BUCK - Ten to one. Game point.

JUNE thinks - I can't believe this!

JUNE - Don't my words have any affect on you?

BUCK - D-up.

JUNE - Wait!

BUCK - Give me the ball.

JUNE - Wait! I mean every word in that letter! I'm pouring my heart out to you! Doesn't that mean anything?

BUCK - I told you I'm not in the mood to talk and I'm not in the mood for an apology. It's not my fault you chose to play me in basketball. This is my craft.

JUNE - But, you could've taken it easy on me.


BUCK - Give me the ball, so I can go home.

JUNE - Fine!

(JUNE throws him the ball and he reads the last line of the letter. It's pouring down raining and he can barely read what's on the page.)

BUCK reads - ...and I can admit that I am...

(He stops bouncing the ball and stares at the letter.)

BUCK reads - ...that I am falling in love with you.
:: NEW PAGE ::


GINA is at home and chatting on

G308 - He just crossed Phi Beta Sigma.

IVYDOCTA - Oh yeah? Cool. Cute?

G308 - Yeah, more of an intellectual though. He's a poet.

IVYDOCTA - Brainy, huh?

G308 - That's what's so attractive about him.

ZETA_XI_BRO - He ain't too attractive if he's a Sigma! LOL!

G308 - Very funny, frat! LOL!!

IVYDOCTA - Frat always interruptin'! HA!

ZETA_XI_BRO - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

IVYDOCTA - You wanna go in a private room G308?

G308 - Actually, let me get off here. Someone is knocking at my door.

IVYDOCTA - Oh, okay, cool, Soror. Maybe it's your Sigma man.

G308 - We'll see.

ZETA_XI_BRO - Let's hope not! LOL!!!

G308 - Ha ha ha! Bye Docta.


G308 - Bye, Zeta Xi.

ZETA_XI_BRO - bye, bye! Skee-Phi, Soror!

(GINA logs off.)

GINA thinks - I hope this is Miri, but I don't know if the Sigmas have finished with him, yet. I still can't believe he's going Greek!

(GINA opens the door and is shocked.)

GINA - Jerrel!

JERREL - Uh...hi.

GINA - What in the world are you doing here!

JERREL - I was driving...just driving and I came up here. I didn't plan on it, but I just got here.

GINA - You came over here unannounced?

JERREL - I didn't want to...I tried to call but your line was busy. I hope it isn't a bad time.


JERREL - Gina, I don't mean any funny business. I just wanna tell you something. Just hear me out, and I'll leave you alone.

(GINA thinks about it.)

JERREL - Gina, please.

(GINA steps aside to let JERREL in.)

GINA - Talk fast. I'm expecting company.

JERREL - Okay. Fair enough.

(GINA sits down. JERREL continues to stand.)

JERREL - Gina...from the last time we saw each other, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about the way things went down. But I really didn't know how to say it. I figured if I called, or sent you an e-mail or something, you wouldn't see how sincere I really am.

(GINA is silent.)

JERREL - Um...Gina, you are a really special person. And I've dated lots of women in my lifetime. And to be honest, I have cheated on a lot of them. Sometimes I'd get caught; sometimes I'd talk my way out of it, but sometimes I really wouldn't care.

GINA - You're not helping the situation.

JERREL - Just hear me out.

(GINA becomes quiet and lets JERREL finish.)

JERREL - When you...caught me with Candace...

(JERREL looks away.)

JERREL - ...I just don't want you to have an impression of me that's...dag, I don't know how to say what I'm tryin' to say.

(GINA remains quiet.)

JERREL - Gina, I didn't recognize a good thing...a real good thing, until it slapped me in the face by you leaving me. You are a good girl, Gina. I miss you terribly. Now before you say anything, I didn't come over here to try and win you back. I just wanted you to know that...

(JERREL sits next to GINA on the couch.)

JERREL - deserve the best. And I didn't treat you as such...and I'm terribly sorry. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I really am. I know I hurt you but in actuality, I hurt me worse.

(GINA is still looking angry.)

GINA - Why Jerrel? I just wanna know why.

JERREL - I'm so used to being a ladies man, to be honest with you I didn't recognize when I truly had a real lady.

GINA - Oh come on, Jerrel.

JERREL - I'm serious. I was so used to being the way I am, that I...

GINA - You must take me for a fool.

JERREL - No, no...I...

GINA - Save it. I don't wanna hear anymore. I gave you a moment to explain yourself and you came at me with the stupidest excuse I have ever heard. Do us both a favor and try that one on one of your other chicks okay?

JERREL - But, Gina...

(GINA stands up and walks toward the door.)

JERREL - Wait...let me finish!

GINA - You were finished with me when you were kissing that girl in your car!

(JERREL gets up and follows her toward the door.)

JERREL - See, I can explain that...if you just...

GINA - Tell it to somebody who cares! Now leave!

JERREL - But...

(GINA opens the door and is surprised to see MIRI standing there in a Phi Beta Sigma T-shirt.)

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