Friday, January 4, 2008

Episode 79

STACIE has just walked out of ROBIN's room leaving her line sisters and sorors with the Pyramid pledgees.

(STACIE quietly opens the door and steps outside.)

STACIE thinks - This whole thing is slowly becoming old to me. It's good to see my line sisters but seeing the girls is starting to get played.

(STACIE walks toward the elevator.)

STACIE thinks - Yeah. This is the last line I'll probably see.

(STACIE pushes the elevator button and looks back toward the room.)

STACIE thinks - I wonder if I only feel this way because of how I feel about Christian right now.

(STACIE stares back at the elevator and waits for it to open. She hears ROBIN's door open, where she just came from.)

CHRISTIAN - Stacie, do you have a minute? I'd really like to have a word with you.


(The elevator rings and the door begins to open. STACIE turns to look at the elevator. There are two students standing on it.)


STACIE - Y'all go ahead down. I'll catch the next one.

(The door closes and CHRISTIAN walks toward STACIE.)

CHRISTIAN - Thank you.

STACIE - Talk fast, Chris.

CHRISTIAN - Okay, okay. Um...Stacie, if I said I'm sorry...

(STACIE turns away and faces the elevator.)

CHRISTIAN - Wait! No, don't leave.

(STACIE turns back around, now seemingly aggravated. She doesn't speak.)

CHRISTIAN - Okay, I'll be real, Stacie. I can't say I'm sorry. When I did what I did...

(CHRISTIAN looks down.)

CHRISTIAN - ...when I did what I did, I knew what I was doing. It was the most un-sisterly thing I could have ever done.


(CHRISTIAN looks STACIE in the eyes.)

CHRISTIAN - Stacie this sorority means everything to me. It does. I know it may not have shown through my actions but it really does. If I could go back in time to change things, I would. I would in a heartbeat.


CHRISTIAN - I swear, I never would've done what I did. I never would've placed my selfishness in front of your sisterhood to me. I never would've disrespected you or what you have.

(STACIE is staring back in silence.)

CHRISTIAN - I think that it's more than what I did as to how I felt about it. I don't think that the magnitude really hit me until I saw your face when you and Alex came into my room that day. When I knew that he told you and it affected my life with you and Delta, my whole world crashed.

(CHRISTIAN holds her hands out.)

CHRISTIAN - This may sound crazy, Stacie, but up until that point, I only saw you as Alex's wife. Even though I knew perfectly who you were in the chapter, I saw you as Alex's wife and not as Soror Stacie Jefferson. That day that you came to see me, I saw you as a soror. And when you left upset with me, I died.

(CHRISTIAN starts to cry.)

CHRISTIAN - Ever since I have prayed that you would try and understand. I don't expect for you to forgive me. Because what I did was unforgivable. But I hate the fact that you don't consider me a soror to you anymore. I can't live with that, Stacie.

(She turns away and wipes her eyes. The elevator comes again. The doors open and there are students on it. It closes back.)

CHRISTIAN - Stacie...

(CHRISTIAN pauses.)

CHRISTIAN - Stacie, I'm not standing here giving you an apology. I'm not asking for you to forgive me now, hug me, and be on your way. I'm not even asking you to say anything. Just the fact that you stood here and listened...speaks volumes.


CHRISTIAN - Thank you, Stacie.

(STACIE turns around and pushes the elevator button.)


CHRISTIAN - Well, um...

(CHRISTIAN wipes her face and sniffs her nose.)

CHRISTIAN - ...I guess, I'll, um...see you when Theresa and Breanna cross next week?

(STACIE doesn't answer.)

CHRISTIAN - Okay, maybe not.

(The elevator comes and the door open.)

CHRISTIAN - Um...take care, Stacie.

(STACIE turns her back on CHRISTIAN and steps onto the elevator.)

STACIE - Take care, Christian.
:: NEW PAGE ::


The brothers of Iota Phi Theta fraternity have decided to have a meeting to discuss what occurred at the building dedication.

SAIFA - This is crazy!

DR. MWATSUMI - Crazy is being very generous, Saifa -- very generous.

RAY - Dude, it's almost like I don't want to believe this story! I can't believe this!

SAIFA - Oh, it's very true. Just like I told you.

(SAIFA starts to recount the story.)

SAIFA - Me and Sean are sitting there and we're proud to see Brother Mwatsumi on the rostrum, and just as the ceremony is getting underway, this...this...

(SAIFA pauses.)

SAIFA - this dude dressed like a Centaur...runs on stage and starts...this ridiculous and disrespectful greeting.

DR. MWATSUMI - I was appalled!

RAY - So, the dude starts to do a greeting? Right in the middle of everyone!

SAIFA - Yes! And he's saying all kinds of foul stuff!

RAY - So, then what happened?

SAM - He runs off and security chases him.

RAY - Dag! And then it ended?

DR. MWATSUMI - No, my brothers. Then it began!

(Everyone focuses their attention toward DR. MWATSUMI, who is visibly upset.)

DR. MWATSUMI - How embarrassing it was for me as I sat there through the rest of the ceremony with everyone thinking that this was a pledgee of my fraternity! The president of the university, himself, asked me to have a council with him this week! This has nothing to do with us!

SAIFA - I know sir. I know.

RAY - So, what should we do?


RAY - Where's Sean?

SAIFA - He's on his way over. I just spoke to him.

RAY - So, Saifa, what are we gonna do, man? Seriously.

SAM - Yeah, we need to find out who's behind this because it obviously wasn't us.

DR. MWATSUMI - But who would do such a thing? Intentionally?

SAIFA - I don't know, sir. But apparently, someone would because someone did it.

SAM - And since it wasn't us, then someone had to do it.

(SAIFA's cell phone rings.)

SAIFA thinks - Not again!

(He checks the caller id on his phone before he answers.)

SAIFA - Ever since it happened, my cell phone has been blowing up! People keep asking me what the deal is and I honestly don't know! Then they think I'm lying and just protecting our Centaur!

(SAIFA answers his phone.)

SAIFA - Hello? Hey what's up.

(RAY turns toward the doctor.)

RAY - Did anything else happen, Dr.?

DR. MWATSUMI - I just know that I was embarrassed out of my wits! I didn't know what to say to any of the faculty. I couldn't offer an apology because I didn't orchestrate it!

SAM - But check this out, Sean had on his frat jacket.

RAY - Oh, word?

SAM - Man, if you think it was bad on Brother Mwatsumi, how do you think Sean felt going through the crowd when it was over?

RAY - Oh, that must have been nuts!

SAM - It was! For real, we had to huddle up and come together! People were looking over at us like we really had something to do with it. So, we just got out fast.

DR. MWATSUMI - This is not good. This is not giving a good impression of Iota on campus.

(SAIFA comes back.)

SAIFA - That was another phone call of someone asking what the deal is. The news is all over campus!

SAM - Well, everyone in the school was there! Everyone saw it!


SAM - Where's Sean?

SAIFA - I don't know, I thought he'd be here by now. Let me call his cell.

(SAIFA dials.)

SAM - Doctor, what do you think I should do?

(DR. MWATSUMI rubs his chin.)

DR. MWATSUMI - We need to show a bit of patience and intelligence. We need to construct a letter to the administration on Iota Phi Theta letterhead stating that we had nothing to do with the incident that occurred and have no idea of any illegal pledge activity going on.

SAM - That's a great idea! I'll start writing it now.

DR. MWATSUMI - Good, in the meantime I'll call some of the faculty that I personally know on an individual basis. Just to let them know.

RAY - Great!

(SAIFA rejoins them.)

SAIFA - Sean was right downstairs when I called him. He'll be right up.

RAY - Good. We need to carefully figure out our next move. Dr. M says we should write a letter to administration.

SAIFA - Good idea. If we can diffuse this before it gets any bigger, that would really help.

RAY - Yeah.

(There is a knock on the door. SAIFA answers it.)

SAIFA - Wassup, frat! Just the brother we want to talk to.

SEAN - And I'm glad we're all here!

(SEAN hurries in with confidence and stands in front of all the brothers.)

SEAN - Bros, I have some news about what happened! This is very hurtful to me and I almost can't believe it! But I know who that pledgee was! I know who did this!

(Everyone stops what they're doing and focuses on SEAN.)

SAM - You do?

RAY - Who?

SAIFA - Who did this?

(SEAN looks as if he wants to punch the wall.)

SEAN - I just did my research and I found out that the Iota brothers at Amgis College have one guy pledging underground! It must've been him!
:: NEW PAGE ::


REGGIE pulls up in his car in front of BOBBY's place. He calls him from his cell phone.

BOBBY - Yeah.

REGGIE - You ready? I'm outside.

BOBBY - Oh, okay. I'll be right down.

(They hang up.)

(REGGIE sees BOBBY coming out.)

BOBBY - Wassup?

REGGIE - Chillin', man.

(REGGIE pulls off.)

REGGIE - Can you believe it's that time of year again?

BOBBY - Who you tellin'!? Seems like Quinton and them just crossed and already we got some new dudes.

REGGIE - I know. We gettin' old, man!

(They both laugh.)

BOBBY - You know I heard Donte is there.

REGGIE - Where?

BOBBY - At Quinton's.

REGGIE - He's there now?

BOBBY - Yeah.

REGGIE - Oh, God! We'd better hurry before he kills one of them new boys!

(They both laugh.)

BOBBY - But, forget that, let's talk about some important stuff.

REGGIE - Important stuff?

BOBBY - Don't front! You know the deal!

REGGIE - What? What are you talkin' about?

(REGGIE smiles.)

BOBBY - Negro, you know exactly what I'm talking about! You said you were seeing someone. Who?


BOBBY - Oh, so now you can't talk?

REGGIE - Yeah, I can talk.

BOBBY - So, wassup, man? Who's the lucky girl?

REGGIE - Well...

(REGGIE pauses.)

REGGIE - ...I didn't know how to tell you this man.

BOBBY - Tell me? What's the big deal.

(REGGIE laughs to himself.)

REGGIE - You'll see when I tell you.

BOBBY - Okay, now the suspense is killin' me! Spill the beans bro. Who are you seeing?

(REGGIE pauses.)

REGGIE - Caryn.


(REGGIE looks over at BOBBY to see his reaction. BOBBY is staring back at REGGIE.)

BOBBY - Seriously?

REGGIE - Yeah.

BOBBY - Seriously.

REGGIE - Yeah, man. Seriously.


BOBBY - You're hittin' Caryn? My ex, Caryn?

REGGIE - She ain't your ex.

BOBBY - Yeah but...


(BOBBY starts laughing.)

REGGIE - What? What's so funny?

BOBBY - Nothin', man. I mean, I ain't mad at ya or nothin'.

REGGIE - Well, to be honest, she ain't my girl or nothin'. I know she's still messin' with that dude from the basketball team.

BOBBY - Derrick.

REGGIE - Yeah, Derrick. But I was chillin' with her one night, and one thing led to another.

BOBBY - Yeah. Typical.

REGGIE - So, it's just like that. I kinda figured you wouldn't care. It's not like it's Paula.

BOBBY - Yeah. I'd have to kill you then.

REGGIE - No, you wouldn't because I'd never go there.

(REGGIE begins to park in front of QUINTON's dorm.)

BOBBY - So you and Caryn, huh?

REGGIE - Don't make it more than it is. Ya know?

BOBBY - Yeah but...

(BOBBY laughs again.)

BOBBY - I hear it man.

(They get out of the car.)

REGGIE - Speaking of Paula, have you spoken to her?

BOBBY - Naw, man.

(They walk into the dorm in silence.)

BOBBY - I wish I could just get a chance to talk to her. But she won't let me.

REGGIE - Is she still mad?

BOBBY - Honestly man, I think she's just through with me. It's my fault.


BOBBY - If I could just talk to her, I know I could change her mind.

(BOBBY and REGGIE step off the elevator on QUINTON's floor. They both stop short as they notice QUINTON hugging ALEXIS in the hallway. She is crying into his shoulder.)

REGGIE - Is that Alexis? I thought she was pledging.

(BOBBY is staring at the couple as the second elevator opens behind him.)

PAULA - I know she's here, Jenn! Alexis is so predictable, I know she's coming to see her...

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