CHRISTIAN has instructed BREANNA to call Dr. ALEX JEFFERSON and repeat everything that she says.
CHRISTIAN - And I just wanted to call to admit...
BREANNA - And I just wanted to call to admit...
(CHRISTIAN smiles.)
CHRISTIAN - That you did nothing wrong and I am to blame for it all.
(BREANNA opens her eyes in shock and stares at CHRISTIAN.)
CHRISTIAN - That you did nothing wrong and that I am to blame!
ALEX - Admit what? Hello? Are you still there?
(CHRISTIAN stands up and points her finger in BREANNA's face.)
CHRISTIAN - You better do what I say and never question my judgment! You did
nothing wrong and I am to blame! Say it!
(BREANNA hangs up the phone.)
CHRISTIAN - Hey! Who told you to hang up the phone! Did you hear what I
instructed you to do? Who do you think you are, Breanna! Do you know who you
are dealing with?
BREANNA - I apologize but I cannot go through with this. I want to be a
member of Delta Sigma Theta more than anything. But I don't feel that this
has anything to do with the sorority or membership. So I cannot do this. I
can't admit to something like that to Dr. Jefferson.
CHRISTIAN - How do you know if something is of Delta Sigma Theta nature if
you are not a Delta? Huh?
BREANNA - I don't. But I also don't plan to do things that don't feel
comfortable to me.
CHRISTIAN - You know, Breanna, I have the power and authority to make sure you
never become a Delta. Here at Ahpla or anywhere else.
(CHRISTIAN pauses.)
CHRISTIAN - But I'm not going to go there. Because honestly, I like you.
(CHRISTIAN smiles to herself.)
CHRISTIAN - And I appreciate your willingness to speak up for yourself.
(BREANNA sighs relief.)
CHRISTIAN - So that gives you another chance in my book. Just watch your step
around me.
CHRISTIAN thinks - There's more than one way to skin a cat! And I will be in
charge of you for a long time before I make you drop line!
BREANNA - I understand.
CHRISTIAN - Now give me a dollar so I can get a candy bar!
(BREANNA quickly grabs her backpack and starts to look in it for a dollar
when CHRISTIAN's cell phone rings.)
CHRISTIAN - What's up?
WILLIE - Hey Chris, where you at?
CHRISTIAN - 'Bout to get a snickers. You know how I do.
(CHRISTIAN snatches the dollar out of BREANNA's hand and turns for the door.)
WILLIE - Girl, you crazy.
CHRISTIAN - What's up with you?
(CHRISTIAN opens the door and leaves, slamming it behind her. BREANNA sits on
the couch and begins to cry.)
WILLIE - I'm just here chillin' with Jason.
CHRISTIAN - Tell him I said wassup.
WILLIE - Boo, Christian says hello. He says hi back, Chris. Listen, I was
calling you because I just got off the phone with Theresa and...
CHRISTIAN - You just what?
WILLIE - I just got off the phone with Theresa and she was asking me...
CHRISTIAN - Willie, I thought I told you that the girls were off limits! You're not supposed to be talking with Theresa!
WILLIE - I know Christian but...
CHRISTIAN - But nothing! I wasn't joking! When I said that I would ban sorors from membership intake this year I meant it! This is my program and I will not let sorors do anything they want to do! That goes for me too! If I can't talk to them, you can't either!
WILLIE - I wasn't trying to disrespect your program, Chris. She was only
asking me if...
CHRISTIAN - No questions from them! No answers to them! I don't want any sorors speaking with Breanna or Theresa until it is time! I ain't trying to get the chapter suspended and we are gonna do this the right way. Either my way, or no way! Understand?
WILLIE - Yeah Chris, I got ya.
CHRISTIAN - No...have I made myself perfectly clear Willie?
WILLIE - Hey, it's your show.
CHRISTIAN - Good. Let's keep it that way. No hard feelings, soror. I ain't tryin' to go off on ya. I just get passionate about DST. Ya feel me?
WILLIE - Oh I ain't mad at ya girl. Do your thing.
CHRISTIAN - Cool. Well I'll speak to ya lata okay?
WILLIE - Okay cool.
(They hang up.)
CHRISTIAN thinks - Now. Let me go pay Theresa a little visit.
:: NEW PAGE ::
MIKE is now a brother of Kappa Alpha Psi and GREGG and the brothers are
taking him somewhere as a surprise.
MIKE - Why can't you tell me where we're going, frat?
GREGG - Man, I said it was a surprise. Calm down.
MIKE - I have had enough surprises this semester to last me a freakin'
lifetime! Ha ha ha ha!
GREGG - I hear that bruh, but trust me, this is a good one. And you know you
can always trust me.
MIKE - True, true. You're a hard nose but I always could trust you.
GREGG - You got that right. I'm the most trustworthy brother any of you bros
(All the Kappas laugh.)
XAVIER thinks - Trustworthy? Gregg? Yeah right.
GREGG - For instance, when you were hungry, what could you trust me to do,
MIKE - Eat my food.
GREGG - And when you were sleepy?
MIKE - Sleep in my bed.
(All the Kappas laugh.)
GREGG - And when you needed me to tighten you up?
(GREGG playfully slaps MIKE in the butt.)
MIKE - Ow man! I haven't healed yet! Ouch!
(They laugh again as they get to SHAREESA's house.)
MIKE - We're at Shareesa crib. What's goin' on over here?
GREGG - Come on neo. You'll see.
MIKE - Neo! I still can't believe I'm Greek!
DAVE - Get used to it, bruh. Membership has its privileges! Ha ha ha ha!
(They go inside and knock on SHAREESA's door.)
GREGG - What's the one thing that would make you the most happy right now,
MIKE - How about a female to massage my aching back! Ha ha ha ha!
GREGG - Well I can't guarantee a massage, but I certainly know how to provide
the females!
(SHAREESA opens the door and immediately hugs MIKE.)
SHAREESA - Oh my gosh! Congratulations Mike! I am so happy for you!
MIKE - Thank you!
SHAREESA - Come on in! Hey guys!
(MIKE goes into the room and hears a loud yell of surprise. Most of the Ahpla
AKAs are in the room waiting to congratulate MIKE.)
MIKE thinks - Membership certainly does have its privileges!
GREGG - Let me introduce you around, Mike. You already know my girl Shareesa.
MIKE - Yeah. I know her well. I know I had to clean her car. I know I picked
up her drycleaning. I know I took flowers to her job.
SHAREESA - And it is all appreciated Mike. You're so sweet! Hee hee.
GREGG - This is Sylvia. She is the Basileus of the chapter.
SYLVIA - Hi Mike, congratulations.
MIKE - Hi, nice to meet you.
GREGG - This is Octavia and April.
MIKE - Hi!
APRIL - Hey Mike. You look hungry bruh! Ha ha ha ha!
MIKE - Heck yeah! SHAREESA - Well I got a little something for ya if y'all are all hungry.
GREGG - Thanks babe. Y'all nupes ready to eat?
ARNOLD - Yeah, bring it on!
(Everyone eats and chats with each other. MIKE has a great time as he
recollects pledge stories and laughs at some of the older brother's stories.)
GREGG - Before we leave, I have a few things I want to say.
(Everyone quiets down.)
GREGG - First of all, I want to thank my baby Shareesa for hosting us and
making food for the brothers. And I want to thank the lovely ladies of Alpha
Kappa Alpha for coming to help us welcome Mike into the Greek world. I am
sure he appreciates it! Ha ha ha ha! And to Mike...
DAVE - Oh boy, now it gets emotional! Ha ha ha ha!
GREGG - Aw shut up! Nobody cried as much as you did back in the day! Don't
let me start tellin' your stories!
(Everyone laughs.)
GREGG - Mike, welcome into our noble clan. As you will learn, we are a family and we look out for one another. Mi casa es su casa.
XAVIER - Gregg is so corny!
GREGG - Anyway! Like I was saying, Mike. We are happy to have you in our family now. And as the AKAs have shown, they are down with you too. Ain't nothin' like that pretty connection! Diamonds and pearls baby!
(GREGG winks at SHAREESA.)
GREGG - So, if you have anything you want to say Mike, you can now.
(Everyone claps for MIKE as he gets up.)
MIKE - Um...I'm not one for many words...but first of all...yo baby yo baby yo!!
KAPPAS - Yo baby yo baby yo!
(Everyone laughs.)
MIKE - I just want to thank the brothers for bringing me in. And I want to
especially thank my dean Kappadonna, who put up with me wanting to qui...
GREGG - Hey hey hey! Don't tell it all bruh!
MIKE - Oh...sorry. Well anyway, thank you Gregg. From the bottom of my heart.
(GREGG and MIKE hug.)
GREGG - And I got somethin' for ya, man. Hold up.
(GREGG grabs a box that was sitting on the floor.)
GREGG - From me to you bruh.
(MIKE opens it and it is a white jacket with "K A Psi" on the front and "Kaptain
Kwestion" on the back.)
MIKE - Oh wow! Thanks man!
GREGG - Try it on and let's roll out of here. It's gettin' kinda late.
(MIKE puts it on and snaps a few pictures with the AKAs. He hugs them all and
thanks SHAREESA. They then all leave and go their separate ways.)
GREGG - So don't forget, we are all gonna be on the yard tomorrow at noon.
Wear your jacket and you can wear that shirt that Arnold gave you too. Bring
your cane.
MIKE - You ain't gotta tell me G. I have been waiting for this all my life!
GREGG - Good. Yo man, I think a few of the AKAs were checking you out. What's
up man?
MIKE - Really? I didn't notice. Ha ha!
GREGG - That's because you are so hype on being a nupe. Did you like any of
them? I can put in a good word for ya.
MIKE - Naw, I really didn't notice one that I liked too much.
GREGG - That's cool. Well once the yard gets a look at our new neo, we'll
have to beat the ladies off with a stick.
MIKE - Yeah, we'll see.
GREGG - Aiight bruh, see ya tomorrow.
MIKE - Cool man. Yo yo!
(MIKE turns to head home.)
MIKE thinks - The AKAs were checkin' me out huh? Membership has its
privileges indeed! I didn't think any were particularly cute though. Real
nice, but not my type.
(MIKE sees a girl walking toward him.)
MIKE thinks - Now that girl is my type! She is fine! Dag! I don't ever
remember seeing her on the yard!
(MIKE approaches the girl and she smiles.)
MIKE thinks - Oh shoot, she is coming my way!
(MIKE walks right up to the girl and stops.)
MIKE - Hey there, how you doing?
DONNA - Ooooh a new Kappa! I like Kappas!
:: NEW PAGE ::
DENICE has just learned that the Crescents were involved in a car accident.
Accompanied by BRENDON, she has just picked up SALEEMA and they are on their way to the Ahpla University Hospital.
BRENDON - Can't this car go any faster!
SALEEMA - Calm down Brendon, we are going as fast as we can. Are you okay,
(DENICE is crying.)
DENICE - I just hope he's okay!
BRENDON - Man, what was I thinking! I almost cursed him out just a few hours
ago! And I don't know if...
SALEEMA - Don't think about it like that Brendon. Let's just get there and
find out how they are doing.
(BRENDON puts his head in his hands as DENICE continues to drive.)
BRENDON whispers - Dear God, look after my brother, and all of the guys in
the car. Please let me talk to my brother again. Please!
(SALEEMA rubs DENICE's shoulder.)
BRENDON whispers - Brandon, if you can hear me...I'm...I'm sorry.
SALEEMA - We're almost there.
(DENICE turns the corner and pulls up to the emergency room entrance. She
sees a few of the cars of the Sigmas from Amgis College.)
DENICE - They must be inside!
(She quickly parks as BRENDON is already jumping out of the back seat.
SALEEMA runs in behind.)
BRENDON - Is my brother okay! Is Brandon okay!
(HAYDEN approaches BRENDON.)
HAYDEN - Brendon, your brother is okay. He has been admitted to the hospital
so they can run some tests. Fortunately, he just hit his head because he was
in the back of the car. He hit it pretty hard but he is okay.
BRENDON - Thank you, God!
SALEEMA - What happened?
(HAYDEN speaks softer.)
HAYDEN - From the look of it, Seth fell asleep behind the wheel. They drove
off the road.
DENICE - Oh my God!
SALEEMA - Was anyone hurt badly?
HAYDEN - Fortunately not. Just scrapes and bruises. Miri hurt his ribs pretty
bad, but he is okay. The hospital already let him go home to get some rest.
Brandon is still here and so is Seth. The others are just shaken up.
DENICE - Oh my God.
BRENDON - Can I see him?
HAYDEN - I think so because you're family. They won't let any of us go up.
(BRENDON rushes to the information desk.)
BRENDON - Excuse me, I want to visit my brother who was just admitted.
NURSE - Okay. Do you have some ID?
BRENDON - Yeah sure.
(BRENDON shows the ID and is given a visitors pass.)
NURSE - He is on the third floor.
BRENDON - Thank you.
HAYDEN - Brendon.
(BRENDON turns around.)
HAYDEN - Tell Brandon and Seth that his big brothers are down here and that
we all are praying for them.
BRENDON - I will.
(BRENDON goes to the elevator.)
BRENDON thinks - I hope he is really okay! Fell asleep at the wheel? What in
the world?
(BRENDON goes up to the third floor and approaches the nurses station.)
BRENDON - Hello, I am looking for my brother Brandon.
NURSE - Oh gosh, you look just like him. I didn't know he had a twin. He is
in the last room on the left with his other friend. But they may be asleep
right now.
BRENDON - Thank you.
(BRENDON hurries down the hall and to the room. He slowly pushes the door
open and peeks inside. Both BRANDON and SETH are asleep.)
BRENDON thinks - Oh God!
(SETH has bandages on his face and his lip is busted. He looks uncomfortable
as he sleeps. BRANDON has a white bandage around the top of his head. BRENDON
BRENDON whispers - Bran.
BRENDON whispers - Brandon.
(He shakes his brother but Brandon doesn't move.)
BRENDON - Brandon man...
(BRENDON looks back at SETH who is still asleep.)
BRENDON - Brandon. Listen man, I don't know if you can hear me but...I'm Sorry, man. I'm so sorry. This whole thing has been hard on me. I couldn't talk to you about it because you had already started pledging. I couldn't talk to Denice because that's Denice and...well she's a girl. But when I didn't make line for Kappa, I was devastated.
(BRENDON turns back around. SETH is still asleep. BRENDON pulls up a chair.)
BRENDON - Brandon, I don't know why the Kappas chose Mike and not me. I tried
to talk to Mike but he was already on line. I have been alone and the one time that I see the closest person to me...
(BRENDON grabs BRANDON'S hand.)
BRENDON - ...I go off on you. I didn't mean it man. I just feel empty because none of the fraternities want me like they want you. You have always applied yourself more than I have. And now it shows. You are about to be a Sigma man. And me...well I'll just be on the sidelines.
(BRENDON looks at his brother in the face.)
BRENDON - I'll be on the sidelines routin' for ya man. For your line brothers too. Always. I love you Brandon.
(BRANDON slowly turns his head.)
BRENDON - Brandon, you're awake?
BRENDON - Hey man! How ya feelin'?
BRANDON - How am I feeling?
BRENDON - Yeah man, how are you feeling?
BRANDON - Well...first of all...
(BRANDON pauses.)
BRANDON - Who are you?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
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