Thursday, January 3, 2008

Episode 35

TY was talking to ROBIN on the yard and now sees TRINA, so he runs to catch up to her. He has been eager for this confrontation since he was on line.

TY - I gotta catch someone across the yard, I'll be right back!
ROBIN - Wait...huh?

(TY takes off running.)

ROBIN thinks - What in the world?
TY thinks - I ain't missing this opportunity! This is the first time I've seen Trina since line!

(TY picks up speed as he sees that TRINA is approaching the Callis student union.)

TY thinks - Oh it is about to be on!
TRINA thinks - Wow, what a nice day out here. The yard is mad crowded!

(TRINA turns around to look at the yard and notices TY running toward her.)

TRINA - Oh shoot! Ty!

(TRINA dashes for the student union.)

TY thinks - You won't get away from me that easily!

(TRINA gets inside the building and immediately turns right and runs down the hall toward the steps.)

TRINA thinks - I can lose him downstairs in the corridors!

(TRINA makes it to the steps and swings the door open. She leaps down four steps, and then down four more. She gets to the lower level and bursts through the door.)

TRINA thinks - There are so many corridors and rooms down here! He'll never find me! Ha!

(TRINA runs down the first hall and makes a left, then she runs through one room of a classroom and out the other side of the room. She then runs to the end of the hall and makes a right turn.)

TRINA thinks - The bathroom is just at the next corner! Ty will never find me
in there!

(TRINA runs full speed toward the end of the hall, turns right and slams into TY, who is just standing there. She falls on her butt and drops her books.)

TY - Pardon me. But are you in some sort of hurry?
TRINA - Shut up, Ty!

(TY grabs TRINA by the arm and yanks her off the floor.)

TRINA - Hey, that hurts!

(TY doesn't pay attention as he drags TRINA into a nearby classroom.)

TRINA - What do you think you're doing! Hey!
TY - We need to talk! Right now!

(TY slams the door behind him and let's go of TRINA. TRINA rubs her arm.)

TRINA - What do you think Ronnie is gonna say when I tell him how you manhandled me?
TY - I ain't on line anymore so I don't care what Ronnie says!
TRINA - Well what do you want with me?
TY - You and I have a little score to settle.
TRINA - Huh? Oh you aren't still mad about that little egg incident are you? Come on Ty, let's get past that.


TRINA thinks - Okay this is worse than I thought!
TRINA - Look Ty, I apologize for what happened to you. But once you get to know me, you'll see that I am an opportunist. I make things happen on the spot. You placed me on the spot first, ya know. It was either me or sorry, it had to be you.
TY - There was a big difference between me getting in trouble and you getting in trouble! You were the girlfriend of a Que, I was pledging Que. The consequences were much worse for me!

(TRINA innocently smiles and shrugs her shoulders.)

TRINA - Sorry.
TY - Well sorry just ain't gonna cut it!
TRINA - Well what more can I do? It's in the past. I can't go back and change it.
TY - No, you can't go back and change it. But you can start doing a few things for compensate me.
TRINA - Some things like what?

(TY casually walks behind the desk in the classroom and sits in the teacher's chair. He puts his feet up on the desk and his hands behind his head.)

TY - Well I think I can use a little pampering.
TRINA - Pampering?
TY - I've been serving other people for the past six weeks. Now it's time for me to have my room cleaned, my meals brought to me, my homework done for me.
TRINA - What? You must have hit your head! If you think I'm gonna run around behind you, then you are off your rocker! You picked the wrong chick!
TY - I'll tell Ronnie the truth about the egg situation.
TRINA - Tell him! Who do you think he's gonna believe? You or his girl?

(TRINA turns to leave walk out of the room.)

TRINA - You must be out of your mind! You obviously don't know who you're
foolin' with!

(TY casually reaches into his bag for something.)

TY - You're right Trina. He won't believe me over you. But do you think he may believe these pictures that I took of you last Saturday in the back of Bobby's car?

(TRINA stops in her tracks and turns around. She stares at TY, who is holding
a set of pictures in his hand.)

TY - You obviously don't know who you're foolin' with!

:: NEW PAGE ::

Scene 2

GREGG is the first of the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi to reach the yard. They are getting together at their plot on campus to help celebrate MIKE, their newest member.

GREGG - Robin, what's up lady!
ROBIN - Hi Gregg. Long time no see.
GREGG - You know me babe, on the down-low with mine!
ROBIN - Shut up, silly. What you doing out here?
GREGG - We just crossed our boy and we are gonna do a little steppin' for him.
ROBIN - Oh word? Congratulations!
GREGG - Yeah, that's my son! Little baby Nupe! Ha ha ha ha!

(A cute girl walks by and GREGG's attention leaves as his eyes follow her

ROBIN thinks - Same ol' Gregg.
GREGG - You gonna hang around?
ROBIN - Yeah sure, I'm just chillin. I was actually just talkin' to Ty.
GREGG - Who?
ROBIN - Ty. He just crossed Omega.
GREGG - Oh okay, Dre's new boy. That's cool. Oh wait, there's Mike right now. Yo yo!
MIKE - Yo yo!

(MIKE just stepped on campus with DONNA. They walk up to GREGG and ROBIN.)

MIKE - What's up Nupe!?
GREGG - What's up playa!? How you man?
MIKE - Chillin! You know Donna right?
GREGG - Yeah, wassup baby?
DONNA - Hi Gregg.

(DONNA and GREGG hug.)

GREGG - Yo Mike, this is Robin. She is a Delta. Robin this is Mike, our neo.
ROBIN - Hi Mike, congratulations.
MIKE - Thank you! Krimson and kream konnection huh?
ROBIN - You got it.
MIKE - What's your line name, Robin?
ROBIN - Huh?
MIKE - What's your line name?

(ROBIN looks at GREGG and they both laugh.)

ROBIN - Wow, it's been a while since someone has asked me that! You're
definitely a neo, Mike! Ha ha! You're so cute!
GREGG - He still got sand behind the ears! Ha ha ha ha.

(MIKE laughs too.)

ROBIN - My line name is Red Velvet.
MIKE - Cool! I am Kaptain Kwestion.
ROBIN - Oh really? That's cute.

(DONNA taps MIKE's arm.)

MIKE - What's up?
DONNA - I'm gonna go to the hot dog stand and get a water. You want something?
MIKE - Yeah, can you get me one? I may need it for after we step.
DONNA - Okay, I'll be right back.

(DONNA walks off.)

MIKE - Fine huh?
GREGG - No doubt. Donna is a hot one!
ROBIN - Good Lord!

(They all turn around when they hear a loud Yo Yo!)

MIKE - Yo! Yo!

(DAVE and ARNOLD, the alumni brothers of Kappa, are walking toward the plot.)

GREGG - Yo what's up D!?
DAVE - What's up Nupe?
ROBIN - Dave!
ROBIN - Hey girl! What's up?

(ROBIN and DAVE hug.)

ROBIN - Long time!
DAVE - Yeah! How you been?
ROBIN - Good! Good! Is it you or Arnold that is getting married soon?
DAVE - That would be me.
ROBIN - Well congrats!
DAVE - Thank you.

(ROBIN hugs ARNOLD as well.)

MIKE - What time do we get started? I'm ready!

(MIKE pulls a cane out of his back pocket.)

GREGG - Hold your horses there, spin doctor. We gotta wait for Z. He's step master. You never start without your leader.
MIKE - Well Z needs to hurry up! I'm hype! Yo!

(They all laugh.)

GREGG - I called him before I left so I know he's on the way.
MIKE - We did say 12 right? Noon?
GREGG - Yeah, we said noon.
MIKE - Because it is like 12:03. I mean, what's the deal?

(Everyone laughs at MIKE.)

ROBIN - Oh man, this brother is too much! Your line name should've been Kaptain Neo!

(MIKE smiles.)

GREGG - Oh, here they come.

(MIKE turns around and sees the rest of the Kappas walking with XAVIER.)

MIKE - Yo Nupes!

(The other brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi walk up and exchange greetings with each other and in turn hug ROBIN.)

XAVIER - What's up boy!?
MIKE - Yo Nupe! What's up!? I'm ready to do this!
XAVIER - Well let's get it on then bro!

(DONNA taps MIKE on his back.)

DONNA - Here's your water sweetie.

(MIKE turns around.)

MIKE - Oh thanks babe. Oh, do you know Xavier?
XAVIER thinks - Oh my God! Donna!
DONNA - Of course I know Xavier! Hey! How you been?

(DONNA reaches to hug XAVIER. He hugs her back awkwardly.)

XAVIER - Hey Donna...I'm are you?
DONNA - Fine Xavier. Just fine.

(DONNA turns to MIKE.)

DONNA - Do a good job.

(She kisses him on the cheek and walks to the front of the crowd. XAVIER has
his mouth wide open.)

MIKE - Let's get it on, frat! The crowd is here and they wanna see them Nupes
do their thing!
XAVIER - Uh...yeah...okay.

(GREGG begins.)

GREGG - Ladies and gentleman! We the oh so pretty nupes of Kappa Alpha Psi
would like to welcome you to the hottest yard show you will ever see at Ahpla
KAPPAS - Yo! Yo!
GREGG - We first give much respect to the other frats on the yard, especially
to the Ques because we understand that they have a new member. But we're here
to tell you...we got a new member too...

(MIKE raises the hand sign.)

MIKE - Yo! Yo!
GREGG - ...and can't none of y'all pick up a cane and rock a show like this!

(All the Kappas come in on the same beat with MIKE and XAVIER up front. The
crowd starts to scream and cheer MIKE on.)

XAVIER thinks - I can't believe Mike is with Donna? When in the world did
that happen? He has to know about me and Donna's history! He has to know what
kind of girl she is!

(All the Kappas spin their canes high in the air, behind their back and
continue stepping with no mistakes. The crowd cheers again.)

XAVIER thinks - He can't know what she is about! Why would he want to be with
someone that I was with...well almost with! She is probably just using him to
make me jealous! She is something else! A modern day Delilah! She's a
Bathsheba! She's a...

(The Kappas toss their canes. XAVIER hasn't been paying attention. He doesn't
toss his, nor does he catch the one that was thrown at him. The beat is
thrown off and the step fizzles to an end. MIKE stands there staring at

:: NEW PAGE ::


At the Ahpla University Hospital, BRANDON has a case of amnesia. His twin BRENDON, the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma, the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta, and his
Crescent line brothers have been trying their best to help him regain his memory.

(BRANDON starts to sing softly to himself.)

BRANDON - Big Sister what we neeeed...but we wanna be Sigma men...

(BRENDON looks at BRANDON singing.)

BRENDON - Oh my God! Do you remember this? Brandon, do you remember this

(The Crescents stop and everyone turns quickly and looks at BRANDON.)

BRANDON - It sounds familiar. It's catchy.

(SHARONDA and DENICE come back into the room.)

DENICE - Can everyone please leave? I need a few minutes alone with Brandon.

(Everyone looks at DENICE like she's crazy.)

BRENDON - Do you think that's a good idea D?
DENICE - Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need some time alone with Brandon.

(BRENDON looks at HAYDEN and COREY. COREY shrugs and instructs the Crescents to follow him into the hall. The brothers follow after.)

SALEEMA - You gonna be okay alone Denice?
DENICE - I'll be fine...I think.
SALEEMA - I'll be right outside if you need me.
DENICE - Thank you soror.

(Everyone leaves and DENICE sits on the bed next to BRANDON.)

DENICE - How are you feeling?
BRANDON - Confused. Everyone is treating me so kindly, I wish I could fully remember because they are trying so hard to help me. Honestly I am more scared than anything else.
DENICE - Scared?
BRANDON - I look Brendon in the face and he is me. He looks and sounds just like me and I am trying to remember our past. How we grew up...and it's...


DENICE - Brandon, the reason that I wanted to talk to you alone is this. The doctor told us to show you familiar things in your life or in your past that may help you jog your memory. It's like there may be one obstacle in your mind holding all of the memories back. If that obstacle falls, you can be well on the road to recovery.
BRANDON - Really?
DENICE - Yeah. But the doctor also told us not to give you anything too heavy either. That may trigger a negative reaction in your mind and make your situation worse.

(DENICE stands up and walks over to the window.)

DENICE - But here's my problem with that Bran. I am sitting here looking at you look helpless and it is breaking my heart. I want to help you but I feel as helpless as you look.
BRANDON - I am so sorry.
DENICE - It isn't your fault, Brandon. It's just sad to see it from my standpoint.


DENICE - That's why I came in here to talk to you alone.
BRANDON - Because you feel sorry for me?
DENICE - No...

(DENICE pauses.)

DENICE - ...becuause I know something that is heavy enough that may help you remember everything. I have just been scared to use what I know because I don't want it to cause a bad effect in your mind.
BRANDON - Really? Let's try it!
DENICE - Are you sure?
BRANDON - Denice, I am willing to try anything. While the Sigma brothers were
in here, I was looking at some of their frat jackets. They look so good, I can see why I wanted to be one. I was looking at the names on the back and stuff. And then to you are all so nice and from reading the few history notes that I have here, it is great -- the bond that you all share.

(DENICE smiles.)

BRANDON - I look at Brendon, and he looks like me. He is me. But even he looks so sad. Like he is about to cry at any moment. And I know it is all because of me. Of what he is seeing when he looks at me.
DENICE - Yeah, this is real hard on him for several reasons.
BRANDON - I don't know if he is sad because he is looking at me or if he is seeing his own self through me. I want to remember you all. I want to remember my brother.
DENICE - Yeah...I want you too. We all do.
BRANDON - So to get all that back, I'm willing to try...anything!
DENICE - Well I'm scared too, Brandon. If anything were to happen to you, I would never forgi...
BRANDON - Don't even go there okay? Just promise me you will get heavy and
deep with me.


BRANDON - Come on, promise me.
DENICE - Okay. Okay, Brandon.

(DENICE sits back down.)

DENICE - One more time, just to make sure. You don't remember the prom?

(BRANDON picks up the pictures again.)

BRANDON - Um...not really. Sorry.
DENICE - I just wanted to make sure.

(DENICE turns to face BRANDON to look him dead in the face.)

DENICE - Brandon, as I told you, you and I went to high school together. We came to Ahpla together. And we are going to be in the same blue and white family...together.
BRANDON - Right.
DENICE - Well there is a reason for this, Brandon. A very good reason. There's a reason why our lives have been so intertwined.
BRANDON - There is? What?


DENICE - Brandon, you're my man. You and I have been in love with each other
from childhood!

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