Friday, January 4, 2008

Episode 59

AURORA ALEXIS has been told that her big sisters of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority are in the lobby of her boyfriend QUINTON's dorm. Since she isn't supposed to be there visiting him, she is now trying to hide and not be seen.

(ALEXIS looks both ways down the empty hall and tries to figure out what to do.)

AURORA ALEXIS thinks - I need to think fast! I need to...

(ALEXIS hears the elevator bell as it reaches QUINTON's floor.)

AURORA ALEXIS thinks - Oh sh...

(ALEXIS makes a quick turn and runs back toward the stairs.)

ALEXIS thinks - They're on the elevator! I know they are! I gotta get to the stairs before they see me!

(As ALEXIS approaches the door to the stairs, she hears female voices coming from the stairway.)

ALEXIS thinks - Oh my, gosh! They're trying to trap me!

(As the elevator rings that it has arrived on the floor, ALEXIS looks to the right at a dorm room that has just opened. There is a student walking out to the hallway from the room. ALEXIS runs toward him.)

ALEXIS - Go back inside! Quick!

DON - Huh?

(ALEXIS pushes him back into his room and runs inside as the elevator opens. JENNIFER and ROSALIND get off the elevator. PAULA and CANDACE come out of the stairwell.)

PAULA - Perfect timing, huh, sorors!

ROSALIND - We're about to find out! Ha ha ha ha!

(ALEXIS is looking through DON's peephole and listening to what is happening in the hallway.)

DON - Excuse me! Who are you and what are you doi...

ALEXIS - Shhhhh!

(ALEXIS waves him off and continues to try and hear through the door.)

DON - Don't shhhhh me! This is my room! Who are you?

(ALEXIS turns to face him.)

ALEXIS - I'm sorry...I'm so sorry! I don't want someone to see me and I had nowhere else to turn! I promise, I will be gone in a few minutes, please don't make me leave now!

DON - You're not in trouble with the law are you?

ALEXIS - Oh, no no no! Nothing like that at all.

(DON stares at ALEXIS.)

DON - Wait a''re pledging aren't you?

ALEXIS - Huh? No, I'm not!

DON - Yes, you are! I can tell! You've got it written all over your face!

ALEXIS - I don't know what you're talkin'...

DON - Look, I won't tell a soul! I'll even help you if you want! My name is Don, what's yours?

ALEXIS - Alexis.

DON - Nice to meet you, Alexis! Is there anything I can do for you? I'm serious, I think about pledging a fraternity all the time! I want to be in a fraternity and I've done a lot of research. That's how I can just tell that you are involved somehow! I have been reading "The Divine Nine" book and I have been reading some history in the library, and I just want to...

ALEXIS thinks - Oh, God!

(In the hallway...)

ROSALIND - He's not answering the door because he probably knows it's us!

PAULA - Well, I ain't got nothing better to do so we can camp out in this hallway. I know she's in there!

JENNIFER - Let's just keep knocking until Quinton is so annoyed that he has to answer. Ha ha ha ha ha!

CANDACE - Y'all are silly.

PAULA - But, I know she's in here!

(PAULA yells at the door.)

PAULA - Open up Q! I know our girl is in there! Open the door, man! Ha ha ha ha....

(The elevator rings and opens up.)

QUINTON - Hey...what are y'all doing?

(Everyone turns around and sees QUINTON getting off the elevator.)

CANDACE - Quinton?

PAULA - are you...I thought you were in your room?

QUINTON - I went to Larry's room for a minute. What do y'all want?

(QUINTON walks up to his door and opens it, inviting everyone in.)

CANDACE - Uh...we were just stopping by Q. Um, we wanted to ask you whether or not Alexis has contacted you.

(They walk into his room and casually look around.)

QUINTON - No, I haven't heard from her. How's my girl doing?

CANDACE - She's doing just fine. Just fine. Well, we won't take up your time; we were just in the neighborhood. Take care, Quinton.

QUINTON - You, too.

PAULA thinks - I am mad confused!

(The ladies of Sigma leave QUINTON's room and go down on the elevator.)

PAULA - I don't understand. Where did she go so quickly? Bobby said she was in the stairwell; she couldn't go up because Quinton lives on the top floor. She didn't go down because we hit it too quick.

ROSALIND - And, she didn't take the elevator.

(The elevator gets to the lobby.)

CANDACE - Hey sorors, maybe she outsmarted us! Ha ha ha!

PAULA - Naw, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this mystery!

(PAULA sees BOBBY in the lobby waiting.)

BOBBY - Hey, what happened, baby?

PAULA - She wasn't up there.

BOBBY - Huh? Where did she go?

PAULA - I don't know. Are you sure it was her?

BOBBY - Of course I'm sure! I saw her in the stai...

JENNA - Hi, Bobby!

(BOBBY and PAULA both turn around.)


BOBBY thinks - Oh, shoot!

(JENNA and another friend approach BOBBY smiling.)

JENNA - Lisa, this is Bobby! The guy that I was telling you about!

LISA - Oh, so, this is Bobby, hmmmm?

(LISA smiles and JENNA walks past PAULA and tries to hug BOBBY.)

JENNA - Hi, Bobby, baby! Where ya been? I miss you!

(PAULA and her sorors stare at BOBBY for his response.)

:: NEW PAGE ::


MONA is in her room with CHRISTIAN.

MONA - Girl, I told you it would work.

CHRISTIAN - Well, you're right about that! Gosh! Willie seems to have called me right away!

MONA - Told ya. They're all gonna call. They're definitely gonna call.

CHRISTIAN - You're a genius.

(MONA smiles.)

MONA - Who gets the second letter?


MONA - She'll be callin' in a few. Trust.

(CHRISTIAN laughs.)

CHRISTIAN - Well, I'll let ya know how it goes. I gotta get home to get some work done.

MONA - Okay, cool.

CHRISTIAN - But, thanks Mona, you're a big help.

MONA - No prob, Chris. Glad I could be of assistance.

CHRISTIAN - Yeah man, 'cuz, I was stressed over this. I feel a little better now.

MONA - It'll work out.

CHRISTIAN - Yeah, I think so. I hope so.

(CHRISTIAN gets up to leave.)

MONA - So, call me later and let me know how it ends up.

CHRISTIAN - Cool girl. Thanks again.


MONA - Talk to ya later, Christian.

(MONA opens the door and sees PJ standing there.)

MONA thinks - Oh, shoot!

PJ - Hello, Mona.

MONA - Uh...

PJ - We need to talk.

(PJ starts to walk in. CHRISTIAN looks PJ up and down, and PJ returns her stare.)

CHRISTIAN - straight, girl?

MONA - Uh...yeah.

(CHRISTIAN is still staring at PJ.)

CHRISTIAN - Holla if you...need me.

(CHRISTIAN smiles sarcastically at PJ before she turns to leave. She closes the door behind her.)

MONA - What can I do for you...Presjina?

PJ - I understand you had a meeting over here. I'm sorry I couldn't attend, I don't remember being notified about it, however.

MONA - Should've been on the yard. Fliers were up.

PJ - Fliers were up, huh? So, you placed fliers on the campus announcing an interest meeting for Alpha Kappa Alpha and didn't notify any of the sorors in the chapter?

MONA - That's not true. Sorors from the chapter did know.

PJ - Who? What sorors?

MONA - Or soror, I should say. Me.

PJ - So, you're the only...soror...that was notified? And you were notified by yourself? How do you figure that is letting the chapter know? Explain that.

MONA - What is the chapter, PJ? What is your definition of the chapter? The chapter is you. But, the chapter is also me. We all make up the chapter. So if you do something, you do it representing Alpha Kappa Alpha. And, so do I.

PJ thinks - Stay cool. Stay cool.

MONA - See that's what y'all don't seem to get, PJ. Y'all think that I can just be excluded and forgotten about. But, I will not be overlooked by my own sorors. I do what I want to do and how I want to do it. And the sooner y'all understand that, the better off we all will be.

PJ - But, you can't do things that way Mona. There are ways that you have to go about things. There are rules and regulations as to how to do things. You just can't do things on your own. You can't be a renegade AKA.

MONA - Why not?


PJ - First of all, to have an interest meeting, there is supposed to be a chapter adviser present.

MONA - My mommy was here.

PJ - not chapter adviser, nor is she in any position in AKA.

MONA - So?

PJ - Also, there's literature you're supposed to pass out to interested ladies. Which, I know you didn't do.

(MONA responds sarcastically as if she is not interested in what PJ is saying.)

MONA - Uh, huh.

PJ - You didn't notify Soror Bergen.

MONA - Because I don't like Soror Bergen. I tell you what, Pee-j. Why don't y'all follow the AKA rules and y'all hang out with snooty Soror Bergen. Just remember that I do my own thing when I want, how I want.

(MONA walks to the door and opens it for PJ.)

MONA - So if you will excuse me...

(MONA smiles.)

MONA - I have chapter business to handle...soror.

(PJ smiles to herself.)

PJ - Fine, Mona.

(PJ walks toward the door.)

PJ - You haven't heard the last of this.

MONA - I am so sure.

(PJ walks out the door; MONA closes it behind her.)

PJ - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

(PJ reaches into her inside pocket and stops her miniature tape recorder. She presses rewind as she walks down the hall. She then presses play and listens.)

TAPE - MONA - Because I don't like Soror Bergen. I tell you what Pee-j. Why don't y'all follow the AKA rules and y'all hang out with snooty Soror Bergen. Just remember...

(PJ stops the tape and laughs all the way down the hall.)

:: NEW PAGE ::


The Pyramids, THERESA and BREANNA, are on assignment from CHRISTIAN to visit each big sister with a letter that she wrote. The second big sister on the list is ROBIN.

(ROBIN is in her room on the phone.)

ROBIN - So, how did it go?

TY - Oh, it went well! Very well. I was supposed to give a history of the frat, so I took bruhs back.

ROBIN - Oh yeah? What did you do?

TY - I set the stage for when the frat was founded. So, I told the story from the Howard campus.

ROBIN - Really?

TY - Yeah, the bruhs told me they liked the idea when I was finished.

ROBIN - That is interesting. I wouldn't have thought to do that.

TY - Yeah, it was phat.

(ROBIN laughs to herself.)

ROBIN thinks - Neos are so cute!

ROBIN - That's cool, Ty.

TY - A lot of guys were there, too. They may have a big line at Amgis.

ROBIN - Cool! That's nice.

TY - Yeah, I am real hype on bringin' in some new bruhs into the fold.

ROBIN - I'm sure you are, hon.

TY - Are you being sarcastic?

(ROBIN laughs.)

ROBIN - Of course not, sweetie. Hee hee!

TY - Yes, you are!

ROBIN - You just sound so excited! It's so cute!

TY - I can't help it that I'm out! I'm hype! Roof! Roof!

(ROBIN laughs as there is a knock on her door.)

ROBIN - Ha ha ha, hold on, T.

TY - Okay.

(ROBIN opens her door and her demeanor changes immediately.)

ROBIN - What are you doing here?

PYRAMID BREANNA - We have a delivery to make to you, big sister.

(ROBIN hesitates.)

ROBIN thinks - A delivery?

ROBIN - Come in.

(ROBIN picks the phone up.)

ROBIN - I'm gonna have to call you back.

TY - Aight! Hit me later.

(ROBIN hangs up and turns to the Pyramids that have just entered her room.)

ROBIN - What are y'all doing here? I didn't get a call that y'all were supposed to be coming here, and I didn't...

PYRAMID BREANNA thinks - Answer with a question! Answer with a question! Answer with a question!

PYRAMID BREANNA - Big Sister Jeopardy...uh...we're only here to...

ROBIN - Did you just cut me off?


ROBIN - Don't interrupt me when I am speaking, you got that?

PYRMAID BREANNA - Yes, Big Sister Jeopardy...uh...will you forgive me?

ROBIN - And, stop with the questions. Just be quiet right now!


ROBIN - What are you delivering to me?

(PYRAMID THERESA nudges BREANNA and BREANNA pulls out the envelope.)

PYRAMID THERESA - We're supposed to read this to you...Big Sister Jeopardy.

ROBIN - Give it to me.

PYRAMID THERESA - But, we're supposed to...


(PYRAMID BREANNA quickly hands it over. ROBIN takes it and opens the envelope. She begins to read to herself.)

ROBIN reads - To my sister, my soror, my friend. I don't even know where to begin. I've gone against all that I stand for, all that I am. I've taken something that both you and I care for deeply and allowed outside influences to become more important. My vision was clouded by what I thought was love. What I thought was passion. And for one brief moment, I took my eyes off of what was most important, and what true love really is. I thought I knew love. But, I found out what real love is through you, through Willie, through Devonya and Lynn. And, most of all, through Stacie.

I believe I know real love, because now, I know real pain. The pain that I have caused those that I love has caused me 10 times, 100 times, the pain even more. And I deserve that so that is okay. I need to go through right now. So, the chapter decision is final and I fully adhere to it. I just want to be accepted into the sisterhood again. I want to moreso give love before I feel love in return. I want to remember what it felt like the first day I became a Delta. The day our big sisters congratulated us. Do you remember that? I know you do. I do. Remember the feeling that you felt the very first time Devonya hugged you as a soror? Remember that feeling?

That is the feeling that I felt when I was with...him. Believe it or not, I fell in love with him. Real love. He made me think things that weren't true, say things I didn't mean. He made me dream things that I know I shouldn't have. I knew it then. I just ignored it because of love. What I felt was true love. And as deep as the feelings were, and are...I feel just as deep in my apology to you and to the sisterhood. I apologize deeply and sincerely. In love. To the entire sisterhood. This is not to change your mind or more importantly your heart. But, it is to say that I apologize, my sister, my soror. Your sister, Chris.

(ROBIN looks up from the letter at PYRAMID THERESA and PYRAMID BREANNA who have been staring at her for some kind of reaction the entire time she was reading. They have not heard a word that ROBIN has read.)

PYRAMID THERESA - Big Sister Jeopardy, we're supposed to take the letter bac...

(ROBIN slowly begins to tear the letter up while she stares sternly at the Pyramids.)

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