Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Episode 21


(DEXTER walks into the basement where DRE and TY are.)

DRE - Didn't you just see your big brother Bone Crusher come into the room?

(TY runs up to Big Brother Bone Crusher.)

TY - Hello Big Brother Bone Crusher!
Oh how I have waited and waited for your arrival!
Welcome back to the land of purple and gold!
If it be your pleasure big brother, how may I serve you!

- You can say my greeting! And get it right this time! The big
brothers are pissed enough at you as it is!

- Greetings Big Brother Bone Crusher!
Your purple soul looks back and wonders!
Amidst the sons of blood and thunder!
What manner of men have heart like us?
Like Cooper, Coleman, Love and Just!
The heart of this great fraternity...
beats first at a black university!
Heartbeats of friendship essential to you all!
Rang throughout the annals of Thirkfield Hall!
Your purple soul wonders about the frat...
why must the bruhs chase the cat?
Or have you heard the sound before,
of Ques breaking down your door?
I wish I were a brother so I could remember,
that stormy night in mid-November!
When great minds envisioned the purple and gold!
And your true brotherhood for your wondering soul!


GREGG - I'm not giving you any sympathy! And I'm not going easier on you either!

- Yes, Dean Kappadonna, sir!

- You are gonna learn Big Brother Little Red's greeting and do it
right! Now do it again!

(XAVIER smiles as MIKE runs over to him.)

MIKE - Hey Little Red, Little Red, Little Red...
Where ya been? Where ya been? Where ya beeeeeeeeeeeeen?
I've searched high and low!
Far and wide!
From the seas to the skies!
To the land of K A Psi!
And I can't seem to find!
That crimson and cream!
That's so fresh and so clean!
And every female's dream!
Can you help me find it?
Now let this Scroller rewind it!
Can you help me find it?
And every female's dream!
That's so fresh and so clean!
That crimson and cream!
And I can't seem to find!
To the land of K A Psi!
From the seas to the skies!
Far and wide!
I've searched high and wide...I mean...high and low...uh...

- You know what Scroller? I am getting sick of you messing this up!

- You almost had it this time man! Dag!

- What did I tell you would happen if you messed this up one more time!


(CURT is sitting on SETH's lap. SETH is leaning up against the wall struggling to keep his balance and hold his dean up. The other CRESCENTS are running in place and ready to fall out from exhaustion.)

CURT - I don't know why you guys are sweating so much. Do you think it's hot in here Hayden?

(HAYDEN is going through BRANDON's books and taking a few.)

HAYDEN - Naw, I'm not hot at all. I don't know why the Crescents are looking so wet either.

- Maybe I should cool them off.

(CURT grabs a glass of ice water.)

CURT - Do Big Brother Blue Tang Clan's greeting. If you mess up, you get wet up!

- Yes, dean of pledgees!

DALE thinks
- How the heck did they find out we're at Ahpla?

SETH thinks
- I don't understand how they found us all the way here at Ahpla!

AHMAD thinks
- How in the world did dean and the big brothers find us here?

MIRI thinks
- What in the world is going on?

CALVIN thinks
- My plans are ruined! How did dean outsmart us again?

- Greetings Big Brother Blue Tang Clan!

(All the Sigmas stop what they're doing and listen.)

COREY - I love this one!

- Blue Tang Clan aint nothin' to mess with!
Blue Tang Clan aint nothin' to mess with!
Blue Tang!
He got that wood swang!
Big Brother Blue Tang Clan has the power!
He teaches Crescents knowledge every hour after hour!
Making sure we know our history!
Or we'll be going through straight misery!
And just when this greeting is almost complete...
let us kick it with the Phi Beta beat!

(CALVIN starts to do the beat box.)

CRESCENTS - Play that funky music white boy!
Play that funky music white boy!

(The Sigmas start to laugh and jump up and down.)

CRESCENTS - Blue Tang!
Blue Tang!
Blue Tang!
Blue Tang!
Blue Tang Clan aint nothin' to mess with!
Blue Tang Clan aint nothin' to mess with!

(AHMAD does this part by himself.)

AHMAD - Blue Tang!
He got that wood swang!
I said Blue Tang!
Now all the Crescents sang!

- Blue Tang!
He got that wood swang!
I said Blue Tang!
He got that wood swang!
Greetings Big Brother Blue Tang Clan!


DRE - It's time for your history lesson. Tell me the founding history of Omega.
TY - Omega Psi Phi fraternity incorporated was founded on the campus of Howard University on Friday night November seventeenth, ninteen eleven.

- By who!

- By Big Brother Founder Dr. Oscar J. Cooper, Big Brother Founder Frank Coleman, Big Brother Founder Edgar A. Love and Big Brother Founder Ernest E. Just.

- By who!

- Big Brother Founder Dr. Oscar J. Cooper, Big Brother Founder
Frank Coleman, Big Brother Founder Edgar A. Love and Big Founder Brother
Ernest E. Just.

- Wait stop! Did you just say big founder brother?

- Yep! Yep! I heard him say it! He said big founder brother!

- You messin' up my founders Lamp?

TY thinks
- Oh God!

- Okay, That does it! Now it's on!


XAVIER - Scroller!

(MIKE runs over.)

MIKE - Yes Big Brother Little Red!

- Tell me something about a famous brother of my fraternity.

- You want him to get killed? If he answers something wrong, you know I'm gonna kill him don't you?

- He'll be alright. Go ahead and answer Scroller.

(MIKE takes a second to think about his answer.)

GREGG - Hurry up!

- Yes Dean Kappadonna sir! Did you know that Bernard Harris Jr. was the first African American to walk in space?

- Of course I knew that!

- And did you know that you are supposed to call him big brother
Bernard Harris Jr.? Get over here Scroller!

- Oh God!


COREY - Dag! It smells like some Crescent funk up in here!

- It sure does! Crescent Brandon!

- Yes...dean...of...pledgees!

- Go get some soap.

(BRANDON staggers into the bathroom, exhausted.)

CURT - Hey Hayden.

(HAYDEN comes over.)

CURT - Watch how I build their brotherhood. Hey Crescents, come here.

(They all run over, also exhausted, and stand before CURT.)

CURT - I didn't tell yall to stop running! It's only been six and a half hours, what yall tired from?

(They begin running in place again.)

CURT - I'm sure you guys have tried to figure out how we knew you were going to be here at Ahpla. I'm sure you also want to know how we figure out a lot of your plans. Like last week when we busted in on your quick nap in the garage. Or when y'all snuck that extra pizza into the kitchen and we found it and ate it. Well, let me let you in on a secret...Crescent Brandon has been telling the big brothers everything. That is how we knew.

(CURT smiles and motions for all of the big brothers to follow him into the other bedroom. The Crescents are standing there looking at one another as BRANDON comes back with a bar of soap. All the big brothers are now gone.)

BRANDON - Where...did...every...body...go?

- You told...the dean...of pledgees...that we were Ahpla?

- And about And the...other stuff?

- Well yeah...I thought that he...could help us with...

(SETH tackles CRESCENT BRANDON and all the Crescents try and pull them apart. They roll on the floor toward the front door as it opens and
BRENDON walks in.)

:: NEW PAGE ::


The ladies of Delta Sigma Theta are in the middle of their meeting over their line for this year. They are voting on THERESA and BREANNA.

ROBIN - What about you Wilhemina. Would you like Theresa as your soror?

(WILLIE is seriously thinking on her best, most honest answer.)

WILLIE - When I weigh what I have thought of her recently against the greater good for the chapter and for the sisterhood, then my answer has to be...

- Hurry up! We need to move on to this Breanna chick that Alex all of a sudden loves! Because I got a few things to say about Miss Thing!

- Yes. I have to honestly say yes.

- Okay then, no need to further discuss that then huh?

WILLIE thinks
- Then why do I feel so funny?

- We need to move on to Breanna, which is where all the drama is.

- Yes!

- Sorors, yall all know the severity and delicate nature of Breanna's situation.

- Uh huh!

(Everyone is quiet while ROBIN speaks.)

ROBIN - And taking into account that we know all of the issues that Stacie discussed with us earlier...

- Uh huh!

- ...I think we are all well equipped to make the best decision.

- Uh huh.

- So does anyone want to begin?

- I'll start.

- Okay Willie, go ahead.

- This is probably the most difficult vote we have ever made. Probably will ever make. When I found out what happened between Breanna and Alex, my biggest concern was kicking Breanna off line after already putting her on. The mere fact that we put her on line proves that we want her in this sorority and in this chapter.

- Yeah.

- So my concern back then was how to deal with the fact of possibly losing her. But then I found out that she had no idea that Alex was married, let alone to Stacie. So it really wasn't her fault. So at that point, I thought that Stacie would react differently. I thought Stacie would want to kill Breanna and never want her as a Delta.

- That is what I thought too.

- But when Stacie tried to step away from the situation and approach it clear headed, it just proved how big of a person Stacie is. Because if it were me I am not sure I could handle it the way that she has.

- I know that's right.

- I don't think I would be able to cope with it at all. Stacie has always been a very thorough and strong individual.

- When Stacie said that she wanted to resign as our advisor, I felt
like we were losing a soror for someone who wasn't in yet. And that wasn't
cool. But we did vote Breanna in so she is someone that we wanted as a soror.
So I called Stacie back, just to make sure she was doing the right thing by
stepping down.

- You did?

- Yeah. She reassurred me that for nothing else, she needed the time
away to recoup and get herself together. She said that she would always be
there for us and I assured her that we would be there for her as well. But
she made me promise to do what was fair and what was right for the chapter
and for Breanna, who she still insists wasn't guilty because she didn't know.

- Stacie is the bomb y'all. For real.

- So in saying that, I keep my vote the way it was in the beginning. I think we should bring Breanna back and bring her into DST.

- I have to agree with you Willie. The last time we discussed Breanna, this entire situation hung on the question if Breanna knew Alex, with his dog self, was married or not.

CHRISTIAN thinks -
Dog? Hey watch it!

- Once we cleared that up, that changed the entire scenario. I mean, think about it sorors. What kind of a woman would mess around with a man who she knows is married to a soror?

(CHRISTIAN looks away.)

ROBIN - So I have to say the same as Willie. I wanted Breanna before all this
went down, and I want her in the chapter now. Especially knowing that Willie
spoke to Stacie again and Stacie is okay.

- Yeah, that extra phone call did a lot for me.

- Chris, what do you think?


ROBIN - Christian?

- I heard you, I was just trying to think of the best way to say this.

(Everyone looks at CHRISTIAN.)

CHRISTIAN - See, this is what I think sorors. Stacie gave us the feel-good answer in this situation. She gave us the very safe answer. But in all honesty, she hates Breanna because Breanna slept with my ma...I mean her man.

(CHRISTIAN continues.)

CHRISTIAN - She wants us to do what is best for the chapter, but she would be happier if we kicked that little home wrecker to the curb. I mean, who does Breanna think she is anyway? Coming up in here sleeping with all kinds of sorors' men?

WILLIE thinks
- Huh?

- How would you feel Robin if you caught some chick sleeping with your man and then the chapter was voting her in?

- But that's the thing Chris, Breanna didn't know that Alex was taken. He is the one to blame for that, not her.

- And that's the problem with Black women today. We never place the
blame where it needs to be placed. Instead we shift it to the man and want to
beat up on him and say that there are no good men out there. I think Alex is
a good man, a very good man and he just got caught up with this hoochie.

- What the heck are you talking about?

(CHRISTIAN stops.)


- What the heck are you talking about?

- Maybe I should ask Willie because she has a man.

- What?

- You didn't have to go there Christian!

- Sorry sorry, sheesh, just tryin' to make a point.

- It's okay sorors. Continue Chris.

- Thank you. So Wilhemina, how would you feel if your man was laid
up with some broad and then this chick wanted to get up into Delta Sigma

(THERESA leans toward JASON and they begin to kiss.)

THERESA thinks - Yes! Yes! Finally! My dreams have come true!

JASON thinks
- What am I doi...

(JASON suddenly stops and pushes THERESA away. He starts to rub his lips with
his hand and sleeve.)

JASON - What are you doing?

- What? Don't fight it Jason, just go with the flow.

- Go with the flow? Why did you kiss me?

- Why did you kiss me back?

(JASON is stopped by that question.)

THERESA - There are obviously some unresolved feelings between us. They need
to be explored. Don't fight it Jason, just take it where it needs to go.

- There aren't any feelings between us and there is nowhere to go. I
told you before that I have a woman and I am happy with her. What you and I
had is over Theresa.

- That's not what your lips said a few minutes ago.

- Nevermind that.

- I can't say nevermind to that. You can't say nevermind to that either. You just told me you can't ignore it because you kissed me back.

- Whatever Theresa. That kiss meant nothing and you know it.

- If it meant nothing, then tell Willie about it.


JASON - Look Theresa, this little thing just happened alright. There is no point in telling Willie when this wasn't a big deal. It's not like we slept together.

(THERESA smiles.)

THERESA - Okay Jason.
JASON - So this stays between you and me?
THERESA - Sure. No problem.


THERESA - I think I'd better go now.
JASON - Yeah...okay...sure.
THERESA - Talk to ya lata.

(THERESA lets herself out.)

JASON thinks - What the heck is wrong with me!

(JASON lays back on the couch.)

JASON thinks - Well, at least I didn't sleep with her!
THERESA thinks - This is going to be easier than I thought! Jason is going to sleep with me in no time!

:: NEW PAGE ::

JUNE is in BUCK's dorm room on Amgis College's campus.

JUNE - Are you sure this party is gonna be hot?
BUCK - What? Amgis parties are all off the chain! What you talkin' about? Our
parties are better than Ahpla parties!
JUNE - Whatever! That's why half of Amgis College goes to Ahpla for our
BUCK - We just don't want to make yall feel bad so we try and come and
JUNE - Shut up boy!

(JUNE playfully pushes BUCK.)

BUCK - Girl don't make me get domestic up in here! Ha ha ha!

(There is a knock on the door.)

BUCK - You lucky somebody is here.
JUNE - It's probably PJ. We gonna gang up on your sorry butt!

(BUCK laughs as he goes to answer the door.)

BUCK - Hey PJ.
PJ - What's up Buck?

(They hug and PJ comes in.)

PJ - Hey sands.
JUNE - Hey sands!

(JUNE and PJ hug.)

JUNE - I was just tellin' Buck that this party better be good.
PJ - I know that's right!
BUCK - Don't worry, don't worry. It'll be cool. Yall almost ready to roll out?
JUNE - Yeah, let me just get my make up on.
BUCK - Boo, you know you don't need no make up. You fine enough as it is.
JUNE - Awww, that is so sweet.
PJ - Oh God! I think I'm gonna throw up! Ha ha!
BUCK - Haters, I tell ya! Ha ha ha!

(JUNE puts her make up on and they head out for the party on campus.)

JUNE - Dag, it's a little chilly out tonight.
BUCK - Yeah, but I love this time of year. This is my favorite month.
JUNE - Why? You like the cold?
BUCK - Naw, just for basketball season. March is the best month for college
basketball and the tournament. Ya know?
PJ - Oh yeah. You think Amgis or Ahpla will ever get to play in the
BUCK - Probably not. Black colleges don't square up against some of the
bigger basketball schools. If we do make it in, we don't usually get past the
second round.
PJ - Yeah.

(They get to A. Langston Taylor Hall where the party is being held.)

BUCK - See, it's crowded already.
PJ - Uh huh.

(BUCK pays for himself and JUNE. PJ pays for herself. As soon as BUCK gets
in, he sees one of his teammates.)

BUCK - Oh there's Jerry. Let me go speak. Come on yall.

(BUCK grabs JUNE's hand as they go to speak to JERRY.)

BUCK - Jerry Jerr, wassup man!
JERRY - What's the deal Buck?
BUCK - Chillin'. This is my girl June and her line sister PJ.
JERRY - Hi, nice to meet yall.
JUNE - Nice to meet you too.
PJ - Yeah, nice to meet you.
BUCK - How's it lookin' in here man?
JERRY - It's about to kick off real nice. 'Bout to start bouncin up in here.
BUCK - Word! Well let's hit the dance floor!
JERRY - PJ you wanna dance?
PJ - Sure, come on.

(PJ and JERRY go out to dance followed by JUNE and BUCK.)

JERRY - Buck said that you're June's line sister. What sorority are yall in?
PJ - You tell me. What do you think?

(PJ steps back and strikes a pose.)

PJ - You guessed it! How did ya know?
JERRY - My sister is an AKA and all she does is pose! Ha ha ha ha!
PJ - Oh yeah? Where did she pledge at?
JERRY - Right here at Amgis. She's here with her chapter sorors. I'll introduce you after this song.
PJ - Cool.

(They continue to dance through two more songs.)

JERRY - Ready to take a break?
PJ - Sure, no problem.
JERRY - Okay, let me introduce you to my sister.

(JERRY and PJ begin to walk off the dance floor.)

JUNE - Yall leavin' so soon?
PJ - Jerry is gonna introduce me to the Amgis sorors. His sister is a soror here.
JUNE - Oooh, I wanna meet them too.
BUCK - Go ahead. I'll wait for you over there. I see some guys from the team.
JUNE - Okay Buck.

(JERRY leads PJ and JUNE to a group of women talking.)

PJ thinks - Wow, there are a lot of sorors here!
JERRY - Hey Renee.

(RENEE turns around.)

RENEE - Wassup?
JERRY - I want to introduce you to some of your sorors from Ahpla. This is PJ and June. This is my sister Renee.
RENEE - Hello sorors.
PJ - Hi soror.
JUNE - Hey soror.

(They all hug.)

JERRY - Yall get acquainted, I'll be right back. I'm gonna catch up with the

(JERRY walks away.)

RENEE - Hanging out with the basketball team is like hanging with a bunch of
JUNE - I see! Ha ha ha ha!

(They all laugh.)

PJ - Are all these ladies sorors?
RENEE - Oh heck no! Ha ha ha ha! Let me introduce you to the sorors.

(RENEE starts to rudely walk through the small circle of women. She speaks to
three of them who then follow her back to PJ and JUNE.)

RENEE - Sorors, this is PJ and June, sorors from Ahpla. This is Tracey, Akina
and Holly. These are some of my chapter sorors.
PJ - Hey sorors!

(They all hug each other.)

HOLLY - I remember you from when yall came out on the yard at Ahpla. I was there for your probate show.
PJ - Oh really?
HOLLY - Yeah, it was real cool.
JUNE - Thanks!
PJ - I thought that all these young ladies standing around were sorors. I was getting ready to say that your chapter is huge!

(The Amgis AKAs laugh.)

AKINA - Ha ha ha ha, yeah right! They wish!
RENEE - We have our interest meeting in a few days. And you know how that is. All of the interested ladies are all up in our faces now. Ha ha ha ha ha.
JUNE - Oh, that explains it.
TRACEY - Yeah, we're gonna get bombarded all day, every day until the interest meeting. God!
PJ - Really? What day is the interest meeting?
RENEE - Next Thursday. Why? Can yall come?
PJ - Yeah we can. But I want to ask if my girl Jahanna can come too.

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